Tuesday, June 28, 2011

By Robert Nagel

I read this on Robert Nagel's facebook page...
true, an unlikely source of wisdom, but you must never lose the element of surprise in life

here is to all the people I care about. cheers,

meaning of names... give your mood a name




(I'm making a list of all the most beautiful words, or words that make me happy)










and certain names.....

like Sophia (Greek: wisdom)

like John (Hebrew: God is gracious)

like Isabelle ( Consecrated to God)

"Romeo oh Romeo, what is in a name?"


Sunday, June 26, 2011

person of the week: Carlyn van der Zee

Heavenly- Phone call.

Thank You Lord for a lovely Sunday.
Thank You for wintersun and food and music and rest.
Thank You for friends.
Especially Carlyn.

Thank You for her spark, her wit and her vibrance.
Thank You for her strength and integrity.

Please be with her, her husband, mother, father and brother.

Deepest gratitude, Amen.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


I found this on: Tiny Buddha site. Read more here.

  1. Try to accept people with an open mind and refrain from making judgments, which are often wrong anyway.
  2. Let them know how much you appreciate them.
  3. Any deed done for someone else is a kind one when you don’t expect something in return.
  4. Do little things like hold doors open or let folk go in or out first. Little things can make a big difference for someone who’s not having a great day.
  5. Tell them the truth.
  6. Accept them for who they are and who they strive to be.
  7. Let them know they’ve made you smile.
  8. Tell them why they make a difference in your life that no one else could possibly make—why their particular brand of “special” makes the world a better place for everyone they meet in it.

go forth and live the wisdom

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

happiness and flames

Dedicated to the lost art of being a good dad.

Father and Daughter

sitting in the quiet room
I am 6
fireplace whispering
puzzle-piece in hand
father next to me

I am 31
port in hand
father next to me

warmth by my feet
grateful that we
have this meeting
of souls

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


go look at Jen Lemen's Blog, Click here:
she talks about dreams and how they come true:
Mondo Beyondo ( their creation )

Listen to this happy client/ customer (I'm not trying to get you to buy something, just read the feedback) Imagine somebody saying that about YOU.

(Mondo Beyondo) is permission I didn't know I needed.

It is encouragement I didn't know I lacked.

(x) is courage.

It is grace.

It is YES.

It is starter fluid for a fire that is still burning. — Erin

She can kill with a smile, she can wound with her eyes
She can ruin your faith with her casual lies
And she only reveals what she wants you to see
She hides like a child, but she's always a woman to me

Billy Joel

Monday, June 20, 2011


This powerful bit from Julie Daley's blog:

"As the weekend unfolded, I became acutely aware of how important it is to be immersed in life, not virtual life but real life, and real life with friends and colleagues.

It is so easy to forget this when I spend so many hours of my day on the phone with clients and on the computer writing and socializing through social media."

and so I'll stop right here and go and connect and embrace and touch the person who is with me.... in solidarity with Julie,

cheer, m

image credits: Behance-graphic design

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

Mr Relaxed.... its him on the lawn

Naturally my father is person of the week.
It is after all Father's Day... and there is no shortage of reasons crowning him, either.

- gentle with the strong as well as the frail - kind to the petrol-attendant and the house-aid - determined - graceful - warm ( not afraid of sharing his big heart with a crushing hug ) - caring - involved in his childrens' lives ( without being overbearing or nosey ) - good with pets - good with braai ( ok, I think that goes for most South African Dads ) - is NOT obsessed with rugby - put his friends' needs first - rubs mom's feet - sparkly soft eyes - ears that can handle the noise & raucous laughter of his 3 daughters - ♥

There is however a cherry on top of all this:
My parents are celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary today.
big whoop whoop to Mom & Dad!
Look at how handsome he looks 1976...
and mommy: you are a princess !!

We are lucky to have you.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Life's not always a mango smoothie

Her blog: Dirty footprints studio

I quoted her for this blog-post title
(Isn't it a cool expression !)

Look at her stunning artwork and read more about her inspirational, REAL writing on wholeness and growth here.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

♥ Shiny Yoga ♥

"A child has no trouble believing the unbelievable,
nor does the genius or the madman.
Its only you and I,
with our big brains
and our tiny hearts,
who doubt and
overthink and hesitate.”

~ Steven Pressfield

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

dedicated to Lucie

This blog post is dedicated to the following brave and beautiful people:
The Vagabond Adventurers.

Living the dream
and giving back in the process.

check it out and support them if you feel the tug at your heart.

Ladies: don't miss Lucie's clever and creative commentary in her "style notes" section.

cheers, sleep well ( in your warm bed ) ( ok, go read the blog now )


Monday, June 13, 2011

sigh of sweet misty magic ♥

I've written about the luminous Rumi in December ( when the Swiss-beauties were here )
and Rumi still holds a special place in my heart.

I love this blog: Unabashedly Female.
The writer, Julie Daley, had this post on her page today.

does this not give you goose bumps !? Eternally beautiful:

In your light I learn how to love.
In your beauty, how to make poems.
You dance inside my chest, where no one sees you,
But sometimes I do, and that sight becomes this art.

have a happy evening

Sunday, June 12, 2011

person of the week goes to Grace

she takes life in big strides... huge amount of determination and courage.
But it is a grace that is solid yet feminine.
She is a mother, grandmother, earth-mother, and naturally also a nurse and a black proud vehicle of love.

She is grateful for her tea and the fact that her "son" (not biological, but you wouldn't be able to tell from the outside) did not injure anyone in the Friday-afternoon N2 car accident.

The car is written off and Grace will be severely inconvenienced (taking her ageing mother to the clinic by taxi now, doing groceries for 6, etc)

If I see how she lives and takes care of things... I am ashamed at my lack of grace and my supreme lack of gratitude...

Poem for Grace
Mother, I trawled the internet for a suitable poem
but none came
when I called; you always came
to me
and wrapped me around you.
Hardworking grace
Grace in action
Grace in motion
beautiful example
of simple
and arms

and I dedicate this poem by Gordon Neumann to her.

Survival of the Humble

So human race,
do you seek survival
in all your ambiguous top-heavy ego-centric expectations,
addicted to solutions of the hypothetical,

or can you face your evil
enough to accept love that's unconditional
extending to the next miracle,

best be careful
of suicidal denial
in the form of any sort of relief
that can be final,

for life has more mystery to reveal
to those still pursuing the holy grail,
and what is to unravel
for those that fail at the crap-shooters' gamble
along the path of dark travail,

between the messiah and the martyr
everything is now at stake,
and everything is possible
for the brave, the grateful,
and the humble.

Gordon Neumann

Sunny Happiness in Southern Suburbs' Supreme Spot: Constantia

Thanks Stuart & Prilosha... lovely day at your gorgeous new home.
We are excited for you; for the new chapter and
adventure (renovations) in your life.
Also a charm to have met Lexi.

beautiful views all round being enjoyed by the ladies.

good food
& good cap Classiq
& good neighbourhood...
blessings galore !

cheers, m

Saturday, June 11, 2011

i want to live

i want to live here with you....

images by talented Philip Karlberg, see his portfolio here.

Carl Jung refers: “…the energy that manifests itself in the life process and is perceived subjectively as striving and desire.”

meeting another little one

ok, so I broke my own rule about giving the new-borns time to adjust to earth.

I met Kungawo today.
She is 5 weeks.

Precious times at Mugg & Bean.

Look at the proud mom (Caroline, above) and granny (below: Grace)
I largely grew up on Grace's back (alternating between a kangaroo-type sling which my mom had strapped to her front )

Girl power runs deep.

cheerios wonderful women!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I found this on Dan Rosenhagen's website titled: Living Mirrors.

He also wrote "Sand and Soul" from which the below is taken:

Emotional Universe

If we do not accept change then we hide life's experiences inside ourselves, like the secrets of ship wrecks, and the dreams of mariners past,
hidden in the deepest fathoms of the ocean.

But the great seas cannot contain their tempest.
For as their waves pound upon the confining lines of their shores,
their secrets are cast out onto the beaches,
exposing themselves to the heavens.

Within the windows of our eyes
are the revealings of our waves of discontent,
yearning to be liberated.

Dan Rosenhagen

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday Wisdom

no good erecting pillars a waste to throw concrete, pitch a tent roll out your prayer-mat and focus on that
which is everlasting

Monday, June 6, 2011

meet baby Nic

Earth: "welcome Nic"
Us: "Congrats Ashley and Mark"

We met this little charmer when he was 1 month and 1 week...
I prefer to delay the first introductions until they (the new pink-toed-ones) have at least had a months' worth of earthly- oxygen breathing.

beautiful little boy Nic and Chris' godchild: Holly.
