Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Good morning
I have taken the day off to prepare and organise my mind
for this afternoon's psychometric tests

I do what my husband did when he had to write his wedding-speech: he googles.
I am reading through the different sections and test-fields, when it strikes me:
Luckily people need not pass an aptitude test to knock and enter through the door of life!
Few of us would be here...

- Verbal reasoning
- Numeric reasoning
- Abstract reasoning
- Spatial reasoning
- Mechanical reasoning
- Data checking
- Work sampling
I'll keep you posted on the test-scores this afternoon.

Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Person of the week: Love made visible
Stupendously talented.
This is a wedding they captured on the 1st of Aug.
It is so touching and awesome
and I want to BE the bride...
and have those moments (again, since I had them 2.5 years ago)

out of this world...!
If you have a wedding, a baby, a moment, a new house,
an "anything" you want to celebrate/ capture:
you'd do well to get the professionals in
(and have them capture it supremely sweetly.)
contact: Rebecca Cell: 0721701890
and to end off: Rebecca's sister: Ebony (below)

Saturday, August 27, 2011
spin the wheels

and see the sparks
the magic
the metamorphosis of your world
I'm so excited:
I went for 2 interviews.
I have been with my current employer for 6.5 years
and felt uprooted inside the company
and my leaders have been a bit schizophrenic
in their direction & style.
I decided to put some feelers out...
and low and behold
a vast and exciting world was waiting
outside my office complex.
I'll keep you posted
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
milan kundera

Milan Kundera
It has all been said
I am the anxious Tereza and the world-wise Sabina
and also the one betraying
I am the book
and the words
and the letters
black on white
one sentence no more ink
than the next
no word heavier
or lighter
than the next
and so it is
hallo and
Es muss sein

Sunday, August 21, 2011
happiness and light
look at what I've found: Jen Wallace's blog.
It is called; Indie Fix
Truly- Truly do yourself a favour and click over and explore.
Swan Lake
at the Cape Town Artscape theatre.

Prima ballerina (and subsequent person of the week) Daria Klimentova gave such an elegant, supremely skillful performance that she had the audience's hands burning with applause.

what a treat!
Daria was born in Prague and studied ballet there, before becoming the principal dancer of the Cape Town City Ballet in 1992. She then joined the Scottish Ballet company and in 1996 was invited to dance as senior principal for the English National Ballet Academy.
Tchaikovsky's music sweeps you away to the dreamy lake where the prince sees Odette...
You know the rest: Love triumphs.
Swan lake first appeared on stage in 1877 in Moscow.
This timeless piece is the most romantic and exquisite of ballet's offering.
The Artscape stage decor, lighting, mist,
music and ambiance made for fantastical delivery of this classic.
I was blown away.

Thursday, August 18, 2011
honourable..... valiant and a true gentleman

They were all honorable men.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Now I firstly (and eagerly) want to draw context here.... my mother was married for 5 years to my father, before they decided to start a family.
Tick stable home environment, Tick non-shotgun-wedding, Tick good birth control
I was the first of three girls. She started in 1980, then repeated the process in 1983 and again, for the third and final time, in 1987. She is a social worker and answered her calling from a young age: caring for people. Having a deep empathy and compassion for and with people. She does not judge, she does not harm, she is a carer in the deepest sense. and yet,
the earth, being the broken and fragmented temporary home it is,
brings with it: hurts, disappointment, tired parents, stressed parents, happy parents and non-ice-cream purchasing-parents..... in other words: it is life!
and this piece is powerful in so many ways. Enjoy.
"Forgive your mother for the many, many times she was not the mother you wanted her to be. Forgive her for the times she did not do things the way you needed them done.
Forgive your mother for not protecting you or speaking out in your behalf. Forgive her for not guiding you in the right direction and for the times she totally lost her direction, dragging you along with her.
Forgive her not because you are excusing whatever she did or however it affected you.
Forgive your mother because holding judgments against her has a devastating impact on your soul.
The judgments you hold will eventually break your heart. Forgive your mother because the truth is, she did the best she could whether you would like to believe it or not.
You may have been harboring judgments or negative opinions about your mother and the way she did or did not mother you. Release and Forgive. "
and with this.... we also rejoice along with all the new mothers....
Sascha and Martin Dainton who received little (2.57kg) Michael in their care.
wonderful circle of life.

Sunday, August 14, 2011
Person of the week is Dr D Joubert

Dr Deon Joubert.
He receives this weeks award for being gentle, explaining every instrument, every step of the process and encouraging me, oh and
for not hurting me.

He is slowly demolishing my fear of the drill and the chair....
Thanks Doc!

(Image credit: Shutterstock)
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Tara S Mohr - poetry gem
Friday, May 6, 2011 by Tara
I never believed in death, for I never saw it.
I saw only that this became that.
The petals fell away, and the thing became a stem,
and the floor became scattered in pink.
Containers break. Eras end.
Thing-ness only a stopping ground,
a pause at the train station, followed by moving on.
You were never yourself, and I was never I.
Everything cresting and falling,
giving way, again, to the ocean.
We need more words like arise and fewer like die.
When you know you are a just a disco party
of cells that came together for a time,
you’ll live like the blazing sphere you are,
and dance with the spheres around you.
You won’t ask of them, or tax them, or want them to be anything.
You’ll be boogieing in the sun, and look
over your shoulder, breathless, to say
Quick! It’s only for a moment that we are this.
Let’s feel the sting when we land from a raucous jump.
Let’s watch our knees glisten.
Let’s wait here, as night covers our skin.
Let’s watch our hands darken.
Let’s cry, at the realness of it, and the dreamness of it.
Let’s marvel at it.
-Tara Sophia Mohr
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
what does it all mean...?

here is something beautiful about rejuvenation.

Tara Sophia Mohr writes:
In the end you won’t be known for the things you did,
or what you built, or what you said.
You won’t even be known for the love given or the hearts saved,
because in the end you won’t be known.
You won’t be asked, by a vast creator full of light:
What did you do to be known?
You will be asked:
Did you know it, this place, this journey?
What there is to know can’t be written.
Something between the crispness of air
and the glint in her eye and the texture of the orange peel.
What you’ll want a thousand years from now is this:
a memory that beats like a heart–
a travel memory,
of what it was to walk here, alive and warm and textured within.
Sweet brightness, aliveness, take-me-now-ness that is life.
You are here to pay attention.
That is enough.
image credit: Many Lynne.

ok, ciao for now,
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Women's Day 2011
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Hard hitting read
shut up
stop whining
& get a life

yes, he is meant to look mean and he calls himself the pitbull of personal development.
Once I got over the cover (it is neither the font nor colours that I like) the message really was powerful.
It was refreshing and yes, it was not new, but the delivery was.
a) we don't listen enough
(we don't listen to people who are more successful than ourselves)
we don't listen to criticism and we don't listen to our hearts
ps. with the term success: please interpret and substitute it with meaningful content
success for me:
a person who lives a healthy, balanced life, stepping up with gratitude and challenge, while operating from a humble, yet efficient mental place.
b) we are self-involved and carry around (expressed or unexpressed) disappointment.
This is toxic and we release this negative "this happened-to-me, that happened -to-me" vibe to the people who least deserve it (our loved ones)
c) take responsibility for every little thing in your life
(the way you talk to yourself and those around you, the way you drive, the way you treat the grocery-till clerk, the way you eat, what you eat, who you spend time with and how much.)
I'll probably be elaborating more in the weeks to come as I learn more.
ciao for now,

Thursday, August 4, 2011
cute love-poem... a good invention

by Yehuda Amichai
Your thighs off my hips.
As far as I'm concerned
They are all surgeons. All of them.
They dismantled us
Each from the other.
As far as I'm concerned
They are all engineers. All of them.
A pity. We were such a good
And loving invention.
An aeroplane made from a man and wife.
Wings and everything.
We hovered a little above the earth.
We even flew a little.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
♥ Beautiful Lara Kirsten

Read more on her blog here.
Unconditional love.
"... give me rather love full of groping

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I have been reading and thinking a lot about the "present moment"
and the hurry towards the future
the desperate rush... some call it the rat-race, some call it modern living, some call it ambition
the writer does an analysis of Kabir's poem: the time before death.