Tuesday, January 31, 2012

DIY ( Do it yourself )

Ek tob soms oor facebook-gemeenskap publikasies:

"ekt die beste man op aarde"
of so iets.

Dan is ek gelyktydig bly dat hulle so voel

( ek hoop almal voel meeste van die tyd darem so )

en tweedens wonder ek wat die rede sou wees vir die publieke aankondiging?

In elk geval;

ek het onlangs so bevlieging gekry

(vir dawerende publieke uitbarsting)

toe Chris die studeer kamer oordoen

en dit omskep in 'n zen-"lab"
waar ek CIMA kan aanpak

in die kalmte wat wit/room/grys-Maria-omgewing-fluister

So Chris: hier is my vreugde-aankondiging-uitbarsting vir jou:

"Jys die beste man op aarde."


(fotos volg...)

Monday, January 30, 2012

aahh do you remember...

when your surrounding was so fine

so beautiful
that it inspired you
to create

Creation Wines..
Hemel-en-aarde road
go there...

dat ek julle eers hierdie stuk vertel...

Ekt in een van my eerste blog-inskrywings van Sanna gepraat, nou ja die einste en enigste is nog steeds by my en sy praat die mooiste- Ceres-Afrikaans.

So kom dit dat 2 van haar 3 seuns "tot trou kom" sê sy (met 'n sagte brei in die "trou"...)
Een trou 18de Feb en ander ene Maart.
Ek bied toe in November 2011 aan om vir haar 'n "mother-of-the-groom" pakkie te koop as die tyd nader kom.

wel, so deur die werks-verandering en Old-Mac Daddy- weggaan, kom die tyd toe nou vinnig nader.
Ek en sy spreek af om mekaar in Tygervallei (herboue/stofbelaaide/worksite wat dit al vir 3 maande is) te kry voor die Woolworths- ingang.
Sy sê sy weet nie waar dit is nie, maar sy sal vra.
( Eks gek oor haar durf-gees! )

Sanna is heel aan't giggel vir die uitstappie.
Sy sê dat sy nie Tygervallei ken nie en dat sy gaan verdwaal..

Ons stap tussen die klere winkels deur en ek wens dat ek 'n band-opnemer by my gehad het vir haar sê-goed en haar uitdrukkings soos wat sy die prys-etikette beetkry en interpreteer.

my gusteling is seker: "nou ja kyk Maria waar gaat die ene se prys heen!"
Sy is verontwaardig dat Edgars R299 vir 'n broek kan vra.. . en skoon lighoofdig
nadat sy die Jo Borkett- romp van die hanger af het.
Ek beduie na die "sale" hanger, maar daar is niks in haar nommer-grootte nie.

Haar bui wentel tussen stomme verbasing tot lawwe sagte laggies tot pure verbystering.

'n Uur later besluit ons dat Tygervallei met sy goudglinster-gryses (dit is nou die winkel-gangers wat julle nooit sien nie, want jul werk)
nie vir ons is nie en ons skiet af Cape Gate toe.

Sanna is sommer dadelik verlig.
Sy herken 'n paar winkels.
"Ja, JET het mooi goed" sê sy,
Ek mik na "exact!" wat ook deel van die Foshini groep is ( ek sien naturlik nou sulke goed raak )

en daar kies Sanna so 'n stylvolle toppie, mooi cream (nie 'n primêre kleur soos ek verwag het nie) en dit het die mooiste effe-room lintjie om die middel.

ek gryp 'n romp en ons 2 is aanpaskamers toe. dit is soveel pret!
sy sê van langs die aantrekhokkie-afskorting:
"Maria moet nou nie vir Maria uitsit nie, en Maria begin hoeka more met nuwe job, so ons moet klaarmaak dat Maria kan gaan rus"

Ek sê; sy moet net fokus op die aanpas en kyk of alles mooi sit.
Ek herinner haar aan ons begroting en dat indien sy die toppie neem, daar weinig geld oor sal wees vir 'n romp.
Sy verstaan.
Soos 'n ware mode-"madam" kies sy die mooi toppie (eks "over the moon"!)
en ek neem die werksromp vir myself ( in 'n oomblik van kameraderie; die saamkoop-gees )

Ons huppel motor toe, lus vir McDonalds.
oppad McD's toe belowe ons plegtig dat McDonalds weggooi kos is en dit net 1 keer per week (hoogstens) geëet mag word,

en te dierbaar sê sy:
"ja, dit help nie vir my maag nie né?"
en sy vryf oor haar ronde bultjie asof sy 3 maande swanger is, my dierbare Sanna wat seker al naby 50 is en 3 seuns in die wêreld gebring het en ook net hoop dat hul huwelike geseënd sal wees.

Ons is maar almal dieselfde,
bekoor deur 'n mooi kledingstuk, ons binneste getoë in ware omgee vir ons geliefdes.
x Cape Gate was nog nooit soveel pret nie.x

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

And the moon blushed...

this was so awesome !!!

reading, relaxing in style... American Airstream trailers... listen to their website write up:
Old Mac Daddy is the watermelon-chinned, pine-whispering holiday of your childhood. It’s the nostalgia of camping without the fuss, it’s a carefree escape to a spectacularly beautiful part of the world with all the creativity that Cape Town’s dynamic design community could infuse it with.

there is something about being close to
nature and yet bathed in luxury, that so utterly appeals to me.
I find it irresistible.

I will recommend this weekend-getaway to anybody.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

early bird....

It is 5am and I am up and excited (ok, its a tired, red-eyed type of excitement) to go to my first TGIF ( Thank God Its Friday) morning-testimony session at my church.

The men's morning is actually on a Friday and us ladies just borrowed the name to refer rather to the type of event, than the weekday.

It is always so rewarding and special.
There is something so powerful about a hall full of women.
Career-ladies, homemakers, schoolgirls, students, the unemployed (that's me) and the wanderers.

I celebrated my 7 years at Metropolitan on Friday 20th Jan and was given such a special farewell party. All the lovely souls.... who left such beautiful patterns & paper-bruises on my script.
I felt truly blessed.

So now I'm unemployed
until the 1st of Feb when I start with the Foschini-group. (more on that later)

Just a question for you on this cool Tuesday morning:
what would you get up for at 5am?
love, m

Sunday, January 22, 2012

person of the week: Paul Turner

yay !
- It's Sunday so that means I may appoint another "Person of the week"
ok, so how do you mix the following:

a true gentleman with
strikingly intelligent mind mix in the ability to effortlessly explain difficult concepts (to the non-actuarial) mixed with
mixed with athletic talent (keeping fit by running and cycling)
good & value-driven father to the Turner-kids, mixed with being a
loyal husband to Karen,
fearless (going to do the Argus for the 10th or is it 11th time?!)
mixed with just that all-round humble and fun type of character.
thanks for keeping the good vibes & encouraging spirit going.
to coffee-king-Paul (far right of out Potjie-kos Metropolitan- Retail-Competition)


Saturday, January 21, 2012



Friday, January 20, 2012

I think I'm ready

Hi world

I think I'm ready for you.  . .   . .    .     .      . . . .   

i think the trick is...

to Not step in it

like never


1 goeie rede.. gaan lees en voel en beleef Lara Kirsten se wêreld....

1 goeie rede om op te staan....
sodat jy jouself kan sleep tot by jou
rekenaar en hierdie ongelooflike talentvolle vrou se kuns lees...

kyk hoe sensueel is hierdie woorde.
Lara Kirsten.
wow. ( Gaan bewonder haar hier.)

i do not need a second invite
to roll around you, seasand
fly goes my clothes
just skin on sand -
what pure
wind and waves
have tasted you
the spaces between every grain
pulse with the memory of the tides
ah, the thrill of it
of my body
let me never wash!
i can step
over your golden breast
even your bite
when a wind whips it
against my ankles
is delight
i do not know
i would like
to fly with you
on the wind
teach me
your age
i sing to you,
Sand of the Seas
granules of
finely chiseled Time
men keep their
machinery and gadgets
clean from
but oh, come
chafe and sculpt

Thursday, January 19, 2012

happiness and Paris

aawwwh just look at the blog post from Shannon Eileen...
her blog is called: Happiness is...

breathe in the romanticism

love, m

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


I think what makes romantic movies so powerful is the yearning displayed..
that intense, almsot sad, aching desire.

how powerful.
tonight I meditate on "yearning" or longing.

Mystical Maya Angelou

This is the header of Maya Angelou's blog. Go there by clicking here.

She is beyond amazing and impactful.
I share with you today, an extract of her poem: "On the pulse of morning".
She read this at former president Bill Clinton's inauguration.

"... acrosss the wall of the world,
a river sings a beautiful song,
Come rest here by my side.

Each of you a bordered country,
Delicate and strangely made, proud,
Yet thrusting perpetually under siege.
Your armed struggles for profit
Have left collars of waste upon
My shore, currens of debris upon my breast.

Yet, today I call you to my riverside,
If you will study war no more. Come,
clad in peace, and I will sing the songs
The Creator gave to me when I and the
Tree and the stone were one...."

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

happiness and hot

yes yes I do not want to comment on the heatwave....
July is coming and it will be too icy to go for a run... ( I repeat this until I can fall asleep )

last week at current workplace.. bit unreal.
Thanks all for the lovely words, thoughful and sweet.
I stack them together like a little ladder
I'll use to stand on when I'm feeling blue and need some perspective.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

person of the week: Amelia van der Merwe

Amelia wins person of the week....
she is as light as a feather..
light in laughter and light in criticism
yet weighty with conviction and strength. 
a joyous contradiction

a clever lady (third from the right)

a team player
a leader
not afraid of standing alone
but welcoming the wisdom and warmth
of company in her life.
a balanced soul.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

2 magic-mystically- wise-women

The one awesome lady I follow regularly : Tara Sophia Mohr, made mention of this magical woman:
Jennifer Louden.

this is an extract of her recent blog post on "fool proof ways to make a difference"
read more over here.

super talented-gifted- Jennifer writes:

Acknowledge that you want to.

Feel into the ache in your heart or the tug in your belly. Bow to your desire.

Maybe your desire is to educate girls, end under-earning, heal veterans, open a dialogue between warring neighbors, stop bullying in your kid’s school, get people dancing…. whatever it is, embrace your longing.

Here’s the secret that will set you free: the longing doesn’t go away. Ever. It’s your fuel. And your compass. Listen to its insistent whispers. Learn to live with the itch.

so- what do you itch for??


Thursday, January 12, 2012

stunning blog: The Sartorialist

feel like something pretty,
head over here.
The Sartorialist.

they did some work for Tiffany & Co.
romance and joy

true love in pictures.

(credits: The Satorialist and Garance Doré)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

too soon old too late smart

I'm reading this cute little book.( Thanks Blanche )

Too soon old Too late smart .
Gordon Livingstone.
Chapter 10 extract:

"... this is the final and controlling paradox:
Only by embracing our mortality can we be happy in the time we have.
The intensity of our connections to those we love is a function of our knowledge
that everything and everyone is evanescent.
Our ability to experience any pleasure requires either a healthy denial
or courageous acceptance of the weight of time
and the prospect of ultimate defeat."


Sunday, January 8, 2012

sweaty Sunday

It is hot
the quiet hot
the type of hot that keeps you downstairs
the type of hot where you wish for a splash-pool
and you consider ripping out the (beautifully, newply planted) greenery & shrubs to make space for the (imaginery) splash pool.
the type of hot that causes you to forget what day it is

Cape Town hot day


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

kindertjies klein kindertjies rein


helping those who have lost hope...

to help themselves.

Dankie aan almal wat Sept 2011 bygedra het tot Badisa se "farmworkers aid".

Onlangs is die laaste van die fondse aangewend vir skoolklere (en klein bederfies) vir die kinders wat my ma in pleegsorg geplaas het.

Dit beteken dat die kinders "sorgbehoewend" gevind is.

Groot woord,

wat impliseer dat hul verwaardeloos is en die ouers nie te vinde is nie, of nie in staat is om na hul om te sien nie.

kyk die blink skoolskoene links!

(ek het nog baie stories en fotos.

Wou net baie Dankie se vir elkeen.)

Hierdie maaitjies hoef nou nie skaam te wees om

volgende week skool toe te gaan nie.

Hulle het skoene en elk 'n witboordjie hemp



Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

to find the goose that lays the golden eggs

e p i c

with age...

Memories fade
and we forget the good laughs
after a few years...

but our hearts never forget
and true friendship is
