Tuesday, February 28, 2012

3 year old marriage

a marriage
a private thing
an investment
a triumph over centuries
a captivating social trend
a blissful unity
a heated argument
a lively tapestry
a part of me

Sunday, February 26, 2012

person of the week: Fran Bruce

yay to Fran!!
loves her London home
loves trance
loves her Karoo fram
runs a beauty salon and
palms in the awards!

Saturday, February 25, 2012


the sights the speed the chaos
the car-horns the looks the colour the
energy the desperation the momentum
the taxis the people the dreams
the cash heists the car dealerships
the street vendors
the sore feet the gatsby's
the 24 hour common denominator

the new workspace

of Maria

photo shoot!

our family is preparing for a photo shoot.
(see the gents from Vorsprung-studio's magic.)

It was part of group-on ( deals / coupon ) type effort to increase publicity for this duo.
Okay, so I was the only one of the 5 that saw potential
in an arty/funky/ fun updated family portrait project.
They were all content with the 8- years ago studio-posed
attempt we made at last minute
when Blanche was here visiting from London.

okay: not quite true...
my sisters are not fond of the traditional setting and posed-faces.

So, hang on to your hats folks:
this 1 was extremely and radically different.
It was a fun high-energy-chaotic-
chasing- the- last- rays -of- the sun- Friday after work-tired-blast!

can't wait to see the end-product!
shoot-shoot-glam - its a wrap

Thursday, February 23, 2012

my new favourite word... kindness


[mass noun]
  • the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate: he thanked them for their kindness and support
  • [count noun] a kind act: it would be a kindness on your part to include him/her.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Mammie het gister verjaar

my Mammie het gister verjaar
en toe die werkstaak my toelaat om te bedaar
en sy sweep neerlê
kry ekke kans om te sê:
"Veels Geluk liewe Ma"

Mag daar nog baie jare wees
wat ons kan klets oor 'n snytjie koek
en kan droom oor die Camino wat ons gaan stap
baie jare waarin ons kan huil en grap
oor die lewe
se snaakse vorms & draaie
en al die afdraai-paaie...
Dankie vir die reguit pad wat jy ten toonstel
en die empatie met die mindere
wat jy vergestalt
veels geluk ma

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

my new favourite word...

I found my new favourite word on this incredibly gifted and wise man's blog:
Dr Rick Hanson.

check it out here.
he talks about Benevolence.

Here I quote a piece from his blog:

" This goodwill is present in warmth, friendliness,
compassion, ordinary decency,
fair play, kindness, altruism,
generosity, and love.
The benevolent heart leans toward others;
it is not neutral or indifferent.

Benevolence is the opposite of ill will,
coldness, prejudice, cruelty, and aggression.
We’ve all been benevolent,
we all know what it’s like to wish someone well."

beautiful.. I lap up these words...
Thank you Dr Hanson!

these special words..
I send them up to the heavens
so that they may fill the sky
and the clouds
and rain down on us with their meaning.
x M

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Person of the week: Vivienne la Cock

hierdie dame lewe met die fynproewer se sensitiwiteit,
sy gee gretig van haarself.
Tannie Sannie, Ina en Viv
het 'n pragtige ooievaarstee gereel vir Yolandé.
Haskell's Vineyard.

Haar tafelgebed was so mooi.

"person of the week" is die vrou van - formaat:
Vivienne la Cock.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


just admire these photos by Maike:

Just have a look at this depth of talent..
the feeling
the vibrance

and then another wedding:

bliss !

Friday, February 17, 2012

beautiful phrases: Immortality (Milan Kundera)

The two rivals now care only about one thing:
which of them will be recognized
by the opinion of this small audience
as the possessor of the truth,
for to be proved wrong
means for each of them the same thing
as losing his honour.
Or losing a piece of his own self.

The opinion they advocate
is itself not all that important to them.
But because once they have made this opinion
an attribute of their self,
attacking it
is like stabbing a part of their body.

page 136

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

beautiful phrases: The book Thief (Markus Zusak)

There had been a change in him.
A slight shift.
She saw it, but didn't realise until later, when everything came together.
She didn't see him watching as he played,
having no idea that Hans Hubermann's accordion was a story.
In the times ahead,
that story would arrive at 33 Himmel street
in the early hours of morning,
wearing ruffled shoulders
and a shivering jacket.

I would carry a suitcase,
a book and two questions.
A story.
Story after story.
Story within story.

page 76

Sunday, February 12, 2012

person of the week: Whitney Houston

Person of the week: Whitney Houston.
singer (1980's and 90's) and a mom.... with lots of issues & anger.. and a nasty husband..
she gets the award for the cover of the Dolly Parton-song: I will always love you.
(the memorable theme song for The Bodyguard.)

rest in peace.

Friday, February 10, 2012

The Nutcracker on ice

1st: Russia 1892
from the heart of the stage, to you
The tale of love
gentle, fragile, lunge
warm yet
cold as the ice-rink
and cuts like the blades
and swirls like the falling snow
costumes to delight in tow
fastest twirls, arabesque, ecstatic.
Christmas time, baubles and figureskating-mice
ballet at its most graceful
the Nutcracker on ice


Tuesday, February 7, 2012


what we believe
determines how we behave

love is the evidence of salvation

Monday, February 6, 2012

travel poem

Spanish-Travel poem

I wish for you adventure and also comfort
soft special things
the allure of the almost
May Madrid infuse your veins
with Ichor.
and Barcelona bring you
her Light.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

reg vir studies...

studeer... belegging in jouself.... waarde toevoeging... volharding...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

1st day @ new job

Hi all!
Thanks for the well-wishes.
Dankie vir elkeen se sms
en mooi gedagte wat na my rigting gebid / gestuur is.
Dit was 'n wonderlike dag.

Almal was gaaf en verwelkomend by die nuwe werk.
Die atmosfeer was great en "upbeat"
eks bly dat ek die nuwe hoofstuk nou oopgeslaan het.
die eerste klen hoofstukkie was baie positief.

Liefde, Maria

foto-erkenning: Pinterest