I found my new favourite word on this
incredibly gifted and wise man's blog:
Dr Rick Hanson.
check it out
here.he talks about
Here I quote a piece from his blog:
" This goodwill is present in warmth, friendliness,
compassion, ordinary decency,
fair play, kindness, altruism,
generosity, and love.
The benevolent heart leans toward others;
it is not neutral or indifferent.
Benevolence is the opposite of
ill will,
coldness, prejudice, cruelty, and aggression.
We’ve all been benevolent,
we all know what it’s like to wish someone well."
beautiful.. I lap up these words...
Thank you Dr Hanson!
these special words..
I send them up to the heavens
so that they may fill the sky
and the clouds
and rain down on us with their meaning.
x M