Sunday, April 29, 2012

person of the week: Elana Kruger

Elana Hanekom, now Kruger.
where to start....

♥   ♥   ♥   ♥

words that drift up to consciousness when I think of Elana:

fun                  warmth                   authenticity              truth                       

                            red polka dots                             


and a true, wonderful friend.

just feel the love in these photos:

 Elana and Rehan Kruger ♥

Hanekom Family - feast

Saturday, April 28, 2012

dalk was ek

dalk was ek bietjie gulsig met die lewe
gegryp na die hand
toe die pinkie genoeg was...
maar nou ja

dalk was ek bietjie ongeduldig met geliefdes
omdat ek soveel van hul wou hê
niks terughou... alles sê...

dalk was ek bietjie manipulerend
en wou myself inwurm
in dit wat vir my kosbaar
en spesiaal was

maar nou ja

"such is life"

en die liefde glo alles
hoop alles
en dalk meer belangrik:

verdra alles.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

poetry and pleasure

this is heaven
poetry and pleasure
and pictures and pecan-nut tart
and a pat on the back
and poise
and purpose
and privacy
and prints
and photo's
and plenty of powerful connections
and a peck on the cheek

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

more from Elle Moss....

I have a total
 and utterly crippling
crush on this lady: 
just look at her work
and melt...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

person of the week: Terran Williams

This week's award goes to Terran Williams for his beautiful talk on abundance.
He is a speaker at the Common-Ground church.
This is really truly the raw- good stuff...
where dreams of a church making a difference meets reality...
and tackling it head-on.
equipping people
loving people
guiding people

well done for being real.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

just have to- Have to- have to Eat here with you

I want to sit at this table and drink wine and eat cheese and chat to you


this photo was taken by Elle Moss
The incredible wow- factor- billion - photographer from Michigan, USA.
see more of her artwork here.

she also sells her work on etsy, here.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

nuwe blog wat ek gevind het ...

dit is so so mooi.... Beautifully Rooted.
wow, gaan loer bietjie deur Hier te "click"

vrouens skep soveel prag in die lewe.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

extract, page 134

"Innocence" by Kathleen Tessaro

I push the almonds round and round in the dish.
He's just sitting there, watching me.
"It's a great title" I add. "Really original".

'You don't believe in all that, do you?'
He sounds incredulous, as if I've just admitted writing a letter to Santa Claus.

"Yes of course I do!"

I'm aware of how uncool this is to say out loud, but I don't care.
"It's the 1 thing I believe in above everything else.
It gives life weight and meaning.
How else can we leave the world better off than when we came in?"

And he smiles, despite himself.

Monday, April 16, 2012


lekker gewerk
lekker geleer
lekker kosgemaak
double- cream- hande room 
long-lost vriende- vind

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Kerk Kamp Moorreesburg

vaal land
dor grond
Maart lelie
genoeg water
genoeg son
genoeg genade


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Learnings from Veldblomme..



covered up



and brave

women breaking free



Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Kate Kerrigan's book:

"The heart of a recipe, what makes it work, is a mystery.
Taste is such a personal thing and yet
the right recipe can open a person's senses
to a food they thought they didn't like"

have you opened someone senses?
 have you introduced something 
into someones life they thought they didn't like?
lets add
lets contribute

'You know the worst: your wills are fickle,
Your values blurred, your hearts impure
And your past life a ruined church—
But let your poison be your cure.'' 
Louis MacNeice

Monday, April 9, 2012

person of the week: Mrs Arakawa

Hiromu Arakawa  and

"It's a cruel and random world,
but the chaos is all so beautiful."

she is a manga artist and created Fullmetal Alchemist 
 she wins person of the week: for raising above her poor childhood. 
She was 1 of 5 sisters and she went for her dream.
she has won numerous awards
 and her creations have been
 turned into an anime- series.

cheers, m

Sunday, April 8, 2012

photography - the art -

this is awesome...
Love made visible.

( Great theme for Easter Sunday too !)

but this is a photography- blog.
read more here.

go and admire....

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Stormagtige Saterdag en ... 'n Spa !

ek hou van kontras.
storm wind en snoesige komberse
grys buite en spa- warmte binne..

alluvia Dag spa...
weelde wat wag.

koue ongenaakte wind buite ; teenoor warm vriendskap 
gevorm in "Shoeless Joe's" (London) in Feb 2002,
koffie'tjie by Inge Grobbelaar en klein-Nina.

En laaste kontras: paashaas en winkels
teenoor ware waarde.
die naweek herinner ons dat:
Life is more than stuff.


Friday, April 6, 2012

totale, volkome, volmaakte Verlossing

Goeie Vrydag

Mattheus 27:46

teen 3 uur het Jesus hard uitgeroep:
"Eli, Eli, lema sabagtani?"
(vertaal; "My God, my God, waarom het U My verlaat?)

Thursday, April 5, 2012

letters to a young poet

"You gave me much joy, my dear sir, with your Easter letter;
for it said many good things about yourself,
and the way you spoke of Jacobsen's great and beloved art showed me that I had not erred in guiding your life and its many questions to this source of plenty.

Now Niels Lyhne will open up before you, a book of glories and of the deeps;
the oftener one reads it-
there seems to be everything in it
from life's very faintest fragrance
to the full big taste of its heaviest fruits."

Rainer M Rilke.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Easter Prayer

the moon saw
when You knelt
face to the ground
sorrowful garden

the moon saw
You weep
You were the Matza
and Afikomen

tears in the dust
sorrowful heart
pure heart

Monday, April 2, 2012

arranging furniture

so we're playing computer games
reading the newspaper
making babies
all the while
the world is ending
bit by bit
and we

just a sad, soft nudging in the quiet
of night
a poem
a whisper

tugging for our attention

but we

Sunday, April 1, 2012

cute gifts

my little treats in between studies...
browsing on etsy...

look at these "due date" gifts....
they think of EVERYTHING these days...

these products are from Shannon Carter.

person of the week: Ds Theo Smit

Hy het 'n lang loopbaan van siele begelei na die saligheid van Jesus-kennis.

Hy was eers dominee op Wolseley (voor ma en pa soontoe verhuis het)
vandaar Durbanville. ( hy is die lang man heel regs in die foto )

Passie vir sending werk.... moue oprol en "get the job done"
hys van die "old school" goeie ouens.
Sterk pa
broos en sensitief
goeie spreker
en wonderlike mens.

hier is mooi fotos van ons "persoon van die week" tydens een van dy 4 kinders se troues.