It is a small gem of a Breedekloof-village. dierbaar. Wholesome. It is the place where I can really let my mind roam, where the thoughts cannot escape beyond the mighty mountain-range. Before I go all soppy.. it is also the home of my mom & dad. The beginning and end of my life, the solid rock and the wispy cloud, the below and above.
I love that at 29 I can get back into bed with my book (in my mom's bed) and that she will join after she's watered her herb-garden. Life is beautiful.. and slow... and I don't want to go
I enjoyed lunch in Ceres with my youngest sister and stitched some hand-towels with my mom for a creché she is co-running in the poorer side-of town... everything is peaceful.

Sounds like heaven :) You make me miss home and my mom :) xx