The kind, creative team at Metropolitan gave me the coolest magazine to browse through.
It is a foreign subscription and makes for fantastic reading if you'r not turned on by Balance sheets and control -accounts. (let's not ask why I went and qualified in the field of accounting)

I read this piece in the "comunication arts" May/June edition
a newer link follows below indicated by bold font.
This guy was phenomenal.
Harvey Pekar's been mining the mundane for magic for more than 30 years in his autobiographical American Splendor comics. Now he has teamed with SMITH and four remarkable artists — Tara Seibel, Joseph Remnant, Rick Parker, and Sean Pryor — to create his first ongoing webcomic series. New stories appear every other week, with interviews, creator spotlights, and behind-the-scenes goodies.
— Jeff Newelt, Comics Editor
some more inspirational words albeit in a different slant:
I receive daily words of inspiration courtesy of Iyanla Vanzant and earlier this week, I read this and instantly knew that I had to share it as this week's Be Blessed post. I hope that it inspires you the same way it inspired me. Enjoy!!
The bumblebee’s wings are so thin and its body so big,
it should not be able to fly.
The only problem is, the bee doesn't know that.
- David Lindsay
Most of us do not know what we cannot do until someone tells us.
We are willing to try almost anything, go anywhere, stretch ourselves to the limits in pursuit of our dreams. And then we talk to other people.
We are reminded of how dangerous it may be, how ridiculous it sounds, what a chance we are taking. People have no problem informing us of all the downsides and pitfalls, they cannot see how we will ever reach the goal. They put us in touch with our faults, limitations and habits. They remind us of all the others who didn't make it,
and in vivid detail they tell us why.
They give us warnings, cautions and helpful hints about alternative things we can do.
When they are finished, we have been effectively talked right out of our dreams.
Bumblebees do not talk and neither should we.
If we have a dream we want to come true, the only way to it is through it. We must take a chance, a risk and a leap.
If we believe in ourselves and our ability we will be taught how to fly.
I can do it because I believe I can do it.
Excerpt from:
Acts of Faith
by Iyanla Vanzant

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