waarvandaan sal my hulp dan kom....
Dit klink soos 'n Bybel-vers, maar dis eintlik ek wat uitkyk na ons sekuriteit-kompleks se hek want Sanna behoort nou nou hier te wees. (07.45am)
Dit laat my dink aan die konsep van hulp.
Mens hoor baie "ek het nie hulp nodig nie".
Nou ja, ek het.
Ek het vir Sanna nodig om orde te bring in my huis, ek het kursusse nodig om my te help om 'n beter mens (werker, leier, vrou, vriendin, suster) te wees.
So 'n wonderlike voorreg om dus vandag te kan uitsien
na "strong foundation" se kursus getiteld: Fostering Trust in teams
aanbieder Lizel Stephan.
Trust is the one thing that changes everything. Jack Welch said, when asked about a definition for "trust", You'll know when you feel it.
So, how does it feel?
when I trust someone, I feel safe with that person. I feel no fear that judgement will be passed, I feel that the confidentiality is in tact and I feel that who they are (their integrity, their congruency) provides me with the necessary firmness to share.
That is when the conversation flows. It is an open channel and often there are few interactions so intimate than true sharing/ trusting.

Mahatma Gandhi said "The moment there is suspicion about a person's motive, everything he does becomes tainted."
One out of every 2 marriages end in divorce and people have little trust in the media and less in the politicians.
David Halpern did a survey about the deterioration of trust in England.
1960's people's trust in society /each other was 60% and today 29%. So we live and operate on a societal foundation of mistrust.
It is impossible to trust anybody if I do not trust myself
The only area or point of control is self-trust.
but that is important as self trust spreads to relationship-trust, which ripples out to organisational trust.
Trust has to do with acting the way I feel and being congruent.
Trust is making people feel that my intentions are clear and understood.
Trust is doing what I say I'll do.
if I say I want to lose weight then I cannot order sweet-things time and again. I'm breaking my trust in myself and I'm not setting a good track record for those around me.
If I say : I'll get back to you ( and I don't ) then I am proving in some small way that I am untrustworthy. Small things stakc up and little cations constitute your day (then your week and then your life)
So I was thinking about the ways in which I break down the trust people have in me.
I realised that it is very important to say no , rather than maybe.
I realised how important it is to say" I'm not sure, please provide me with more info before I can give you a commitment now"
What a valuable day ful of learning for me.

so: my hulp kom van verskeie bronne.
Van huis-hulp tot intellektuele hulp (kursusse) en natuurlik die inspirarende voorbeeld wat die belangrike siele in my lewe my bied...(lewe)
Dit is dalk die grootste hulp: hul vaste voorbeeld en aanmoediging.

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