Tuesday, December 20, 2011

new beginnings

sometimes we know what needs to be done

but it is not neat or clear.

sometimes we know what needs to be said

but it cuts the listener.

sometimes we know we have to leave

but the comfort and promises of "it will be better"...

is alluring and tugging at your adventurous heart.

and so: sometimes

I just need to act

out of boldness

risking for more

and trusting

It is by risking and opening your hand to more,

that you will find.

you will find adventure


and more...


Sunday, December 18, 2011

Person of the week: Rob Pattinson

just because he is so so so gorgeous

thank you Rob! (queue sound: 13 year old teenage sob )

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

yeehaaa party time.

Newlands Forest Christmas year end picnic....

lovely time was had by all

Sunday, December 11, 2011


een van my hartskamers is stil
die stoel is geskuif
dit maak dat die mat so krul staan
daar was beweging
maar ek hoor nie jou stem nie

soveel vriende & geeste & stemme & siele in my hartsgange
en soveel pret en lag en gesels en gee
maar ek kan nie 1 vriend as plaasvervanger vir 'n ander he nie
sy eie plekkie
die stilte lui
soos 'n sirene
in my kop

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Julie Daley Rocks !!

Blog from Julie Daley:

What do you want?

What do you really want? That is what you will get. Not what you think you want. What you really, really, really want. If you really want what is true, it’s its own protection. ~Adyashanti

I listened to these words last night as I was working.

I like to listen to Adya’s satsangs, just taking in his words and the transmission that comes through them.
I have a sense these words wove their way through me last night as I was sleeping, because in meditation this morning, I could see how deeply ingrained my thinking is to choose something that will please others, get their approval. It is fairly unconscious still…until now.

I could clearly see it this morning.
And so as I noticed this, I wondered, “Do I even know what it is to choose what I want? Do I know what I want? Do I really know what is true for me?

Am I willing to look, to know for myself?

Am I willing to ask the hard questions?”
This comes down to being able to tune into this self, this being.

This ego has been all about pleasing others (and of course the equal and opposite force of rebellion against that pleasing, but then that’s much more under the surface, but not as under as it used to be).

This coming into oneself, trusting the organic flow from within,

trusting one’s own desires, is key to being an alive, creative being.

And, it really doesn’t care about pleasing. It doesn’t know pleasing. It just is.

_________________ dit het so baie vir my beteken vanaand _______________________

Monday, December 5, 2011

the road splits ahead

and so I came to a fork in the road

and left looked happy and familiar

and right looked bright with new colours I've not seen before

so which road do I take

we have but 1 chance


Saturday, December 3, 2011

ek aanvaar

ek is nou 31 (amper 3 maande al )
en ek leer van aanvaarding... nie soos kennis in jou kop inprop-leer in die sin van teësinnig leer nie, maar 'n sagte leer.

ek aanvaar dat die botter ook soms hard is in die deftige restaurant se brood-mandjie
ek aanvaar dat die tee nie altyd sterk genoeg is nie ( al het ek die sakkie lank ingehou )
ek aanvaar dat ek skrikkerig is vir die tegnologiese -golf wat ons huis inrol... blackberries, ipads, ipods, dstv, wi-fi-, bla bla, HD, bla -afkorting-bla
ek aanvaar dat dit okay is om te huil na die Twilight-flieks ( al is ek 31 en nie 13 nie )

ek aanvaar dat ander mense Kersfees op 'n ander manier vier
ek aanvaar dat baie mense nie Kersfees vier nie

ek sal nog aanvaardings- deel deur die loop van die week.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


i keep feeling that something is about to happen

like Edward won't love Bella anymore...

or dread enters this heart...

Monday, November 28, 2011

Person of the week: Jak de Priester

Wow die opwinding was groot Saterdag-aand in Lourensford se wynkelder.
Regstreekse uitsending van "Varstrap" ( DSTV se Kyknet )

Ronel het my met die " Jak de Priester"- wortel aan die neus daar in die hart van die boeremusiek ingelei...

en dit was PRET !!
lewensgrootte kameras, video-toerusting, lank en aantreklike program-aanbieder, klank stuff, sexy gay "stage"- bestuurders, grimering vir mans onder die genadelose beligting, die hele lot!
Showbiz honey !!

Jy word gesê wanner jy moet klap en skree. Hulle "queue" jou.
alles baie opwindend.

die name van die orkeste ewenaar slegs die titels van die snitte wat hul bied... dit is 'n ander wêreld !!! Maar natuurlik vat Jak de Priester die "person of the week: toekenning vir sy oulike liedjies oor pa- wees en sulke tipe realiteite.
so net vir vermaak: die name van die finalis-boeremusiek orkeste:
  • Donkiekar
  • Die Penkoppe
  • Die Boere Biscuits (ekt gedink hulle is nogal goed!)
  • Die Korrelkoppe

  • Witwatersrand dames orkes
  • Distrik 7
  • Die Kaapse Affodille
  • Die Sandvelders
  • Witblitz
  • Brink Botha en sy orkes
  • Bakgat
  • Bredell Dansorkes
  • Andre Victor se orkes


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Darling husband

i love you like a thirteenth cheque
i love you like the 1st cup of coffee in the morning
i love you like the satisfied heartbeat after a long run
i love you with the colour and excitement of an indie-craft-shop

thank you

image credit: Mahoney Joe

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


the conversation has gone quiet
and i can't figure it out
the lock does not fit the key

Monday, November 21, 2011

empty lost

sounds echoing through the room
I'm talking
and you

Sunday, November 20, 2011

person of the week: Wouter van Velden

person of the week..... an award not to be mistaken for frivlous admiration or manipulative "Pedestal- placement" ...but rather a true gesture of greatness...
such words find their meaning in the humble, brilliantly smart and sensitive spiritual leader/ shepherd of the NG Church in Wolseley.

this picture is for Ds Wouter.
For teaching us the pure, radical inclusivity demonstrated by our Great Spiritual Father during His time on earth.
We are enough, because He died for us.


Friday, November 18, 2011

friday fun after the frantic rush

One of the themes of my last month was:
running at break-neck speed and trying to get a billion little things done (in a day)
so this post by Marianne Elliot (in conversation with Tara Mohr, picture above) resonated with me:

"My ongoing challenge is overestimating how much I can do in a day (or an hour, for that matter) and then feeling rushed, like I’m always trying to catch up with the pace I’ve set for my own life.

One of the practices I’ve developed that helps with that is a morning check-in where I set myself some very realistic and simple “conditions of satisfaction” for the day (I learned this from Jen Louden)."

so- this weekend I'll try to slow down, reflect, breathe, eat slowly, have hours and hours of conversation with my parents and reconnect with my true pace.

I can't wait.
love, m

Saturday, November 12, 2011


too cute
too special not to share
hold on to your heart
greatness is about to start
unfolding in your

Sunday, November 6, 2011

More rules...

On a recent trip to Centurion I bought a book at the airport:
The Rules of life
by Richard Templar.
It says: "a personal code for living a better, happier, more successful kind of life"

Now immediately my mind asks:
How / what is better? It is not the same for you than for me...
my definition? your definition?

Anyway- I'll stop being difficult and wade through the wisdom:
Rule number 9: Be on the side of the angels, not the beasts.
Richard says on page 20;
"Every action we make has an effect on our family, people around us, society, the world in general.
And that effect can be positive of detrimental.
It is usually our choice.

Does it hurt or hinder?
or does it help?"

I love simple messages. I love this Rule number 9.

try it


Thursday, November 3, 2011

beautiful Thursday

Thank you Lord for a good night's rest
Thank you for convincing me that a 5km run would be "taking care of my temple"
Thank you for the cool weather

I pray for all the farmers.
I pray for all the employees of all the companies: that they may apply themselves truthfully and aim for Light.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

gaan vir goud

eks mal oor hierdie uitdrukking:
Gaan vir goud.

die alliterasie is lekker...
die boodskap sterk

gaan groot
gaan beslis
gaan met mening
en dit alles: vir kwaliteit
die beste
die duursame
die blywende


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

what do i need...

As I go through all kinds of feelings and experiences in my journey through life -- delight, surprise, chagrin, dismay --

I hold this question as a guiding light:
"What do I really need right now to be happy?"

What I come to over and over again is that
only qualities as vast and deep as love,
and kindness
will really make me happy in any sort of enduring way.

Sharon Salzberg

Awesome Sharon!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Person of the week: Marlene Theron

She is a mom, a wife, a friend, an aunt, a Bible-study rgoup leader and a career-woman. She loves her children fiercely and is focussed on getting and being the best for them. well done- on a life well balanced and a heart that listens to itself. This poem I found on Julie Daley's blog.
Read more here.

For Longing by John O’Donohue
Blessed be the longing that brought you here
And quickens your soul with wonder.
May you have the courage to listen to the voice of desire
That disturbs you when you have settled for something safe.
May you have the wisdom to enter generously into your own unease
To discover the new direction your longing wants you to take.
May the forms of your belonging–in love, creativity, and friendship–
Be equal to the grandeur and the call of your soul.
May the one you long for long for you.
May your dreams gradually reveal the destination of your desire.
May a secret Providence guide your thought and nurture your feeling.
May your mind inhabit your life with the sureness with which
your body inhabits the world.
May your heart never be haunted by ghost-structures of old damage.
May you come to accept your longing as divine urgency.
May you know the urgency with which God longs for you.

image credit: Photographer: Beatrice Lechtanski

Friday, October 28, 2011

Tara Sophia Mohr ... the very embodyment of angelic

just wrap yourself around this poem.... and let it heal you!

Thursday, September 1, 2011 by Tara

You can learn to keep yourself company,
but only by keeping yourself company —

Do you ask “how are you?” and listen
like a deer deciphering a rustling in the leaves?

Do you say “take a walk with me, and let me show you the woods?”

Do you sing yourself a song?

Now you are the one: the one to care for all the whispers inside
the one to listen to all the children,
to take them to see beautiful places and new sights.

That’s you: the woman leading the field trip,
the woman making hot chocolate for all of them,
the woman saying, “now, now, that’s enough.”

If you feel like an incomplete circle, or a wilted form
go home to silence and listen to yourself.

Give your words a hearing.
Shine each pebble and dagger to the light.
Meet each with lilac compassion.

Then feel: as your own sweet song
overtakes your life and blazes
so loud you need an earth
this listening to hold it.

Contentment springs up,
again and again, from the well
where you least expected to discover it.

-Tara Sophia Mohr

picture credit by Jessica Rose

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

CIMA world Conference CT

Hi all

I had the priviledge to attend the CIMA world conference.
read more here.

- great thought leaders
- great venue ( CTICC )
- great inspiration.

theme for the international conference:
Building world class businesses for the long term: challenges and opportunities.

more later!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

CIMA = chartered Institute of Management accountants

This has been on my mind, in preparation for the CIMA world conference.
the concept of work
and remuneration
and meaning

Read what Julie Daley has to say. Here is a link to her blog.

Work as Offering

Perhaps like you, I’ve been taught and conditioned to look for results, to see success in my work as something results-oriented. In our current paradigm, that’s how success is measured. Even streams of thought that teach us that success is not based on dollar figures still hold a sense that success is about a certain outcome.

When I read Margaret’s words, “We don’t need it to be any one thing. It is in the way we offer it, that the work transforms us.”, my mind relaxes. I can feel how its been caught up in ‘understanding’ what the ‘one thing’ is that my work must be.

When I read, “It is in the way we offer our work as a gift…”, “It is in the way we offer the work that we find fearlessness.”, I can see my focus has been on the how, on what I am getting done (or not), rather than on the way I offer it and how I hold the work itself.

I sense the how comes out of the offering, the next step comes when I am let go into the love that is there for “those I love, to those I care about, to the issues I care about…”

Go Julie: you are amazing!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Nuwe ontmoeting

Ekt onlangs 'n handjievol jong vroue ontmoet by 'n verjaarsdag -partytjie waar ek net 2 mense
( uit 30 ) geken het.

Wat my opgeval het:
Hierdie 5 dames is tussen ouderdom 26-28.
Ek hulle is "smart" ... soos in "clued up" en wakker!

Hulle is vol pret en lus vir die lewe, maar dis nie 'n halsoorkop lus wat jou laat wonder of hul dalk al vir 2 ure red-bull sit en drink het nie...
meer 'n elegante opwinding (as ek dit so kan stel)

en hulle is realisties, wesenlik in beheer van hul tyd/ hul loopbaan/hul verhoudingsmaat / hul klerestyl en hul houding. alles is deurdag, alles is "afgeteken"
ja, hulle "teken" (soos in die Engelse: "sign off ") hulle lewens netjies af.

hulle keur en kies die geselskap wat hul toelaat in hul lewens, maar hul is joviaal en ontvanklik om met 'n 31-jarige wat hul nou pas ontmoet: te praat en te deel.
openlik. suiwer. eerlik.

wat 'n heerlike aand.
En ekt gedink 26-jariges loop hul vas teen die grootmens-wêreld muur van ontnugtering omdat hul nie die moed het om die verblindende sterre in hul oë bietjie te " dim" met realiteit nie.

Hierdie meisies stap 'n pad van ontmoeting.

Ontmoet die lewe nuut elke dag. en bou nie lugkastele nie, maar eerder soliede fondasies waarop BAIE pret (reeds) ervaar word, sonder dat dit krummel of kraak onder die gewig van ontdekking en ontmoeting.



Friday, October 21, 2011


go go go to this blog: The Organic Sister.

This is a beautiful piece about the "just keep moving" - philosophy and also the "hop of the bicycle and pause" alternative.

I quote Tara Wagner (the organic sister) here:

"Life is meant to be savored, absorbed, adored, experienced."

what magical and delightful words !!
I hope that is your experience of life.

love, m

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Gelukkig is die een wat die soet reuk van Vrydag al Donderdag-aand ervaar
Gelukkiger is die een wat nie opsien na Maandae nie
Gelukkig is die een wat besef met hoe min sy eintlik oor die weg kan kom
Geseënd is die een wat sy goeie gesondheid elke dag waardeer.

Mag jul gelukkig en geseënd wees.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

oooh kyk hoe mooi !

ek mag nie begeer nie
ek mag nie begeer nie
ek mag nie begeer nie

ja jaaaa

Thursday, October 13, 2011

the pretty blog

This is such a beautiful blog... I reach for the monitor and want to tear off the front page of this blog and go stick it in my diary.

just open it and have a look: Christine ( well known wedding photographer ) and Nicola.
The Pretty Blog.

They (luckily) do not only have wedding coverage / focus, but lifestyle too.
enjoy. and enjoy the weekend.

Husband and I plus 2 other couples are off to Arniston.
yaya: Thanks Lea for booking it.

The lead
The idea

love, m

Wednesday, October 12, 2011