but just look at what I've found...
there is a blog for "art every day month" to be found here which challenges the reader to join in and be creative every day!
and then
an old favourite which I've forgotten about: Zen Habits by Leo.
In my opinion Leo has a
talent for fine living
talent for upliftment
talent for teaching and inspiring,
Thanks Leo Babauta.
extract from a recent post:
You must make a commitment.
You have to decide that you really want to make a change, and that it’s more important than almost anything else.
probably the most precious find of the morning:
The Illuminated mind.
just sit back and read this:
Uncancel Your Dreams
We all want to live out our dreams, and create the life we want. But it can be scary.
- It’s scary to think about what will happen if we follow our hearts when it doesn’t seem very practical.
- It’s scary to give up the safe, predictable existence of the 9 to 5.
- It’s scary to do what you think you can’t do.
- It’s scary to think that you might fail.
- It’s scary when you’re not sure where to start.
It’s time to reclaim your personal power and freedom.
We could stay small, we could play it safe. But that’s not a life, that’s just existing. If you want to live on your terms, you have to stop seeking permission. The best way to get permission is to not need it.
and talking about freedom...
I recently heard about Afrika Burn Festival.
I love everything about this site.. the philosophy, the directions, the concept... check it out
ok, it is 2.35am and I think I better go and offer a serious attempt at falling asleep again... ciao

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