Travel tip: don't plan.
Just focus on opening your heart, mind and ears to the new address.
Just focus on opening your heart, mind and ears to the new address.
It is the largest city on the Scandinavian- group ( Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, etc )
This trip was a last-minute decision and Adrian was kind enough to lend me his Sweden- guide book as a prep-read.
It has handy tips such as how to say thank you (Tak)
How much you should be paying for a coffee ( in a street-cafe as well as 4-star hotel )
Respectively it works out to +- R25 and R35.
Their taxes are very high ( +_ 60% taken from the top-end earners ) and there are no homeless people
(the icy sub zero winters will not allow it anyway)
and the state assists (dental care, housing, etc)

On the way to Stockholm I learnt a little about the country by way of the cool interactive audio & video entertainment system of Qatar airways. Swedes are obsessed with living an eco-friendly life and they have a huge respect and reliance for solar power, hydro-powered plants are everywhere.
It is like they are hovering so far above Maslow's hierarchy that self-actualisation's tip is actually their base! They have laid down the weapons with which we are fighting the battle of the sexes, they have distributed their wealth and energy needs equally, they are focussing on leaving a legacy and as such: something trivial as fashion (self-expression ) is completely for first-graders.
You wear whatever is closest in reach in your (Ikea) drawer/ cupboard. Functional, almost a "non- Fashion" is how I tried to explain it to Maggie. She just smiled at me and said that I shouldn't always burden myself with trying to label ir understand everything.

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