Now what is a
decent Monday without an unexpected swerve
of chaos from left field...?
My Monday stood proud and tall in its right context as crowning glory of
the "worst day of the week"

It towers over Tender-Tuesday and
it thunders over Terrific- Thursday
and it roars in the background (its power and memory fading faster now)
and Fabulous Friday smiles seductively... it doesn't have to shout out its joy and relief..
it just sidles up to you, slings his hand around your waist and guides you to 5pm...
to release.
ahhh.. just THINKING about Friday makes my knees weak...
makes my heart miss a beat.
on that blissful topic:
Love and Fridays....
Brene Brown (her blog can be found over

She has published a couple of books and this is what one reference said
about " The Gifts of Imperfection":
The Gifts of Imperfection, Brené Brown, Ph.D., a leading expert on shame, authenticity and belonging, shares what she's learned from a decade of research on the power of
Wholehearted Living – a way of engaging with the world from a place of worthiness. "
Now firstly:
I like Brené's blog and I think she is superbly talented, full of wisdom and lives a courageous life full of mindfulness.
it strikes me that somebody should say that another person is "a leading expert on shame"
That sounds wrong and... well ... it makes me uncomfortable.
Then I wondered: if I had to pick up a life-badge "
Maria is a leading expert on ..."
what would it say?
What would others think belongs on that badge?
Would I agree with that?
What badge would I pin on you?