I had a Crash- boom- Bang- Kerpow day.... where an executive's ego and his fear translated into such fury that his personal assistant cried for 25 minutes ... and I could comfort her and remind her of her specific task & responsibility and that lumping tasks on her that falls outside of the scope of her delivery, is plain and simple: unfair and irrational.
Such is life hey: unfair and irrational.
Some people never smoked a cigarette, yet get sick and die, some people fall in love with married men, some people cannot resist chocolate even though the rolls of fat makes them ashamed and self conscious, some people have everything and is still ungrateful. Some people wants a baby so badly that they lose all joy and light in their eyes and the drug-addict falls pregnant for the 2nd time with an unwanted child.
Some people, no matter if you treat them kindly, they may erupt in abusive behaviour...
Such is life.

Evening Prayer:
Thank You Lord for hearing my prayer last night and bestowing on me a crown-of-calm today so that not even my heartbeat increased during the violent meeting. Thank You that I could be an instrument of healing and encouragement to somebody more fragile than me.
Thank you that the battle is won.
The dust has settled, we just have to claim Your territory.
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