Blog from Julie Daley:
What do you want?
What do you really want? That is what you will get. Not what you think you want. What you really, really, really want. If you really want what is true, it’s its own protection. ~Adyashanti
I listened to these words last night as I was working.
I like to listen to Adya’s satsangs, just taking in his words and the transmission that comes through them.
I have a sense these words wove their way through me last night as I was sleeping, because in meditation this morning, I could see how deeply ingrained my thinking is to choose something that will please others, get their approval. It is fairly unconscious still…until now.
I could clearly see it this morning.
And so as I noticed this, I wondered, “Do I even know what it is to choose what I want? Do I know what I want? Do I really know what is true for me?
Am I willing to look, to know for myself?
Am I willing to ask the hard questions?”
This comes down to being able to tune into this self, this being.
This ego has been all about pleasing others (and of course the equal and opposite force of rebellion against that pleasing, but then that’s much more under the surface, but not as under as it used to be).
This coming into oneself, trusting the organic flow from within,
trusting one’s own desires, is key to being an alive, creative being.
And, it really doesn’t care about pleasing. It doesn’t know pleasing. It just is.
_________________ dit het so baie vir my beteken vanaand _______________________