La vie est bien plus belle avec des bonbons..
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
jazz at heart

yay! Ive always wanted to attend Cape Town's swankiest- musical festival for the jazzy hearts.
This is an annual event and draws the true Jazz followers from around the world.
Lovely cool March lures many a jazz-lover to the Mothercity's CTICC on 30th and 31st of March.

This event has a huge corporate-social following too and planes touch down from Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and of course New Jersey ( Lauren Hill! )
Thanks to my "person of the week" I'm getting to go in a VIP lounge with her on Friday-night, 30th March.

let the good times roll.... off the arch of the cheeky trumpet... ♥

Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Welkom klein Olivia Malan
Friday, March 23, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
sukkel met die studies....
ek sukkel om te swot..
die golf van opwinding het gebreek
en daarmee saam
'n lang asem uitgeblaas
daar is slegs wilskrag en dissipline
om op terug te val.
2 sterk vriende
wat my deurhelp
die golf van opwinding het gebreek
en daarmee saam
'n lang asem uitgeblaas
daar is slegs wilskrag en dissipline
om op terug te val.
2 sterk vriende
wat my deurhelp
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Human- Right's Day Mense Regte dag
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
sometimes between the tumble of Tuesday
and the furious rush to Friday... i catch a small thought
the link is gone
the connection is
and as I turn my attention there
just lying there
and the furious rush to Friday... i catch a small thought
just out of sight
to my right
it says:gone
the link is gone
the connection is
and as I turn my attention there
to my right
there is just astrawberry
lying there
at the summer's end...strange
just lying there
Sunday, March 18, 2012
excerpt from "The Book Thief"
page 259
"You told me all about your goal" he said, "but I don't know what sort of day it is up there. I don't know if you scored it in the sun, or if the clouds have covered everything"
His hand prodded at his short-cropped hair
and his swampy eyes pleaded the most simple of simple things.
"Could you go up and tell me how the weather looks?"
Naturally Liesel hurried up the stairs.
She stood a couple of meters from the spit stained door
and turned on the spot, observing the sky.
When she returned to the basement, she told him.
"They sky is blue today, Max,
and there is a big long cloud,
and it's stretched out like a rope.
At the end of it, the sun is like a yellow hole..."
Markus Zusak.
"You told me all about your goal" he said, "but I don't know what sort of day it is up there. I don't know if you scored it in the sun, or if the clouds have covered everything"
His hand prodded at his short-cropped hair
and his swampy eyes pleaded the most simple of simple things.
"Could you go up and tell me how the weather looks?"
Naturally Liesel hurried up the stairs.
She stood a couple of meters from the spit stained door
and turned on the spot, observing the sky.
When she returned to the basement, she told him.
"They sky is blue today, Max,
and there is a big long cloud,
and it's stretched out like a rope.
At the end of it, the sun is like a yellow hole..."
Markus Zusak.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
ok.. so I'm going through another Rumi-adoration phase...
Friday, March 16, 2012
Rumi to the rescue...
eks mal oor Rumi
Gek oor hom..
In 'n stille amper heilig-eerbiedige manier...
lees net hier:
Gek oor hom..
In 'n stille amper heilig-eerbiedige manier...
lees net hier:
Raise your words
not voice.
It is rain that grows flowers
not thunder.
not voice.
It is rain that grows flowers
not thunder.
(wie anders?)
(wie anders?)
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Monday, March 12, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
person of the week: Chrismé Laubscher

Hierdie klein-niggie
is 'n dokter,
'n kundige perdryer,
'n Judo- kampioen,
'n atleet
en onlangs die ongelukkige ontvanger van
'n ski-ongeluk in Canada
( knie gaan bietjie hulp nodig hê om te herstel )
Uitreike gedoen in Zambiê
pragtige Christen
is 'n dokter,
'n kundige perdryer,
'n Judo- kampioen,
'n atleet
en onlangs die ongelukkige ontvanger van
'n ski-ongeluk in Canada
( knie gaan bietjie hulp nodig hê om te herstel )
Uitreike gedoen in Zambiê
pragtige Christen
en sys net 30...
en syt Hartswater aant gons met haar glimlag :)
vir haar mooi opregte lewe van hulpverlening:
kry sy "Person of the week"
kry sy "Person of the week"
Friday, March 9, 2012
the wall street journal

wow... great article by Laura Vanderkam
Half way through the article:
"We all have the same 168 hours per week --
a number few people contemplate
even as they talk about "24-7" with abandon --
but since time passes
whether we acknowledge it or not,
we seldom think through exactly
how we're spending our hours."
mmmmakes you think
Half way through the article:
"We all have the same 168 hours per week --
a number few people contemplate
even as they talk about "24-7" with abandon --
but since time passes
whether we acknowledge it or not,
we seldom think through exactly
how we're spending our hours."
mmmmakes you think
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
learning and development

I'm supposed to be studying, but I loved this chapter so much that it distacted me... I googled more about the theory and thought about sharing some of it here:
(subject: Enterprise Management)
Managers and leaders.
"Management can be exercised over resources, activities, projects and other non-personal things. Leadership can only be exercised over people.
Transactional vs Transformational leaders.
_ Transactional leaders see the relationship with their followers in terms of a trade:
they give followers the rewards they want in exchange for service, loyalty and compliance.
_Transformational leaders see their role as inspiring and motivating others to work at levels beyond compliance. Only transformational leadership can change a team / organisation's culture and create new direction.
*** a transformational leader has vision.
**** a transformational leader is able to anticipate ( the leader possesses foresight )
***** a transformational leader has value-congruence. (has the emotional capacity to empathise with people or with a group)
******this kind of leader will empower the group with the aim to make the group more effective.
The leader will be aware of her own needs and goals.
awesome stuff!
May you be a Monday- transformational leader!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
person of the week: Garth van der Westhuizen
Garth van der Westhuizen.

Ok- so I could have gotten a more flattering picture of this 26-year old.
my bad. (He is feeling a bit overwhelmed at his farewell.)
I've only known him for 1 month.
Two things struck me:
If Garth says he'll finish the report, he will finish the report.
Don't let the fact that he has worked 12 hour-days
for weeks on end
make you doubt that he will deliver.
he will. he always does. Garth is great!
and sadly
Garth is spreading his wings
after 7 years at RCS, to soar over to Clicks.
cheers Person-of-the-week,
you will be missed
my bad. (He is feeling a bit overwhelmed at his farewell.)
I've only known him for 1 month.
Two things struck me:
- work ethic (I'm talking loyal and thorough beyond belief!)
- integrity
If Garth says he'll finish the report, he will finish the report.
Don't let the fact that he has worked 12 hour-days
for weeks on end
make you doubt that he will deliver.
he will. he always does. Garth is great!
and sadly
Garth is spreading his wings
after 7 years at RCS, to soar over to Clicks.
cheers Person-of-the-week,
you will be missed
Friday, March 2, 2012
yay eks weer 'n student!
Ek pak CIMA aaan
(Chartered Institute of Management Accounting)
6 van ons.
Nazneen (werk vir die regering, ek skat haar 36/37/38, sy dra nie tradisionele Moslem-klere nie, baie gaaf en passievol vir reg & geregtigheid) Ek kry so half aktivis 'vibe' van haar af.
Leon (Afrikaans, oorspronklik van Natal, ek skat 19 of 20 en dink surfing is die coolste ding ooit, swot voltyds deur IBTC )
IBTC is die plek wat die CIMA klasse aanbied vir ons module, Enterprise Management
( 79 Roeland straat )
Tebogo (swart, geen idee hoe oud hy is nie) het langs my gesit en sy handboek met my gedeel. wit tande, oë bietjie geel soortvan, maar gaaf. ( weet nie of hy werk nie, kon nie uitmaak wat hy sê nie )
Davril is van "cape malay" of kleurling tipe agtergrond. werk voltyds en het 'n pak aangehad. Hy doen sommer al die vakke gelyk. Overkill as jy my vra. hy lyk ambisieus en ry 'n ou BMW.
ek weet nie of die BMW iets met ambisie te doen het nie.
soms voel dit asof al die jong Indier-outjies een of ander BMW ry. (ons almal het 21h02 daar uitgevaar en hyt agter my parkeer )
John is engels en het dig bos krul hare. Hy werk in IT en was merkbaar geïrriteerd toe ons oor Performance appraisals praat (en party het hul koppe geskud ja, ons doen dit by die werk ) en hulle doen dit nie by sy werk nie. Hy is in IT.
Maria, wit, amper 32, swot weer en het 'n oorvol skedule want ek wil mos NIKS mis nie en die lewe uitdruk en pers soos 'n suurlemoen...
sodat ons natuurlik tequila kan drink! (Of hoe gaan die gesegde?)
Ons is 'n kleurvolle groep en die lesing is aangebied deur Sue Jabbitt. Syt vir 12 jaar in UK vir die BBC gewerk. baie oulik.
ok, meer later, oor ons kleurvolle klassie.
lekker slaap.
Ek pak CIMA aaan
(Chartered Institute of Management Accounting)
6 van ons.
Nazneen (werk vir die regering, ek skat haar 36/37/38, sy dra nie tradisionele Moslem-klere nie, baie gaaf en passievol vir reg & geregtigheid) Ek kry so half aktivis 'vibe' van haar af.
Leon (Afrikaans, oorspronklik van Natal, ek skat 19 of 20 en dink surfing is die coolste ding ooit, swot voltyds deur IBTC )
IBTC is die plek wat die CIMA klasse aanbied vir ons module, Enterprise Management
( 79 Roeland straat )
Tebogo (swart, geen idee hoe oud hy is nie) het langs my gesit en sy handboek met my gedeel. wit tande, oë bietjie geel soortvan, maar gaaf. ( weet nie of hy werk nie, kon nie uitmaak wat hy sê nie )
Davril is van "cape malay" of kleurling tipe agtergrond. werk voltyds en het 'n pak aangehad. Hy doen sommer al die vakke gelyk. Overkill as jy my vra. hy lyk ambisieus en ry 'n ou BMW.
ek weet nie of die BMW iets met ambisie te doen het nie.
soms voel dit asof al die jong Indier-outjies een of ander BMW ry. (ons almal het 21h02 daar uitgevaar en hyt agter my parkeer )

Maria, wit, amper 32, swot weer en het 'n oorvol skedule want ek wil mos NIKS mis nie en die lewe uitdruk en pers soos 'n suurlemoen...
sodat ons natuurlik tequila kan drink! (Of hoe gaan die gesegde?)

ok, meer later, oor ons kleurvolle klassie.
lekker slaap.
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