Thursday, May 31, 2012


me and my significant other
attended the Hillsong Church's 
Laugh your way to a better marriage

Marriage is no laughing matter
and yet it was great
 to giggle, chuckle and rock with laughter.
Mark Gungor was great!
 a good 2 nights was had by all.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday moods

happy- on track - 
grateful - excited -
 learning - growing - 
the next level

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Person of the week: Hayley Dimarco

                    person of the week:
She is the author of: The Woman of Mystery.
to all females: go and read...
remarkable you
being the best ( and only ) version there is
what a relationship teaches you
How God did it
just a lovely book

Saturday, May 26, 2012

gaan en soek

soek die sekelmaan
die rooiwyn
en die roesblare
gaan en soek
die mooi

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


you delete
i keep
you think memories dissolve into vague- figments of fiction
i hold onto the truth of them
strap them to my heart

you observe
i climb in
and you are high
and dry
and I

beautiful song by Soley.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

good morning world...

good morning inspiration
good morning coffee
good morning fresh beginnings

good morning studies:
 I'm almost done with my 1st subject!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

person of the week: Avida van der Westhuizen

person of the week / persoon van die week


yay: ekt 'n nuwe persoon ontdek: 
Pragtige meisie.
27, swot B CoMm bedryfsielkunde deur UNISA.
gaan uit met Erich (in die blou hemp )
( nefie van ons 'gisteraand'-bruid- Rochelle Theart, nou Burger )

daar is niks so lekker as om n nuwe siel te ontdek nie.
'n sprankel- siel
oop en onskuldig
champagne- oë vir haar kêrel: Erich
en net pret!

kyk hoe mooi !

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Friday, May 18, 2012



“Never apologize for showing feelings. 
When you do so, 
you apologize for the truth.”

 ~Benjamin Disraeli

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

outydse elegansie

so let us go 
 and free

if we can find 
some peace...

Monday, May 14, 2012

some things burn

some things never change
and then they change....
and the more things change,
 the more they stay the same...

A temple to the flame that burns inside us all, 
the hearth of your truth, love and reason. 
Within our internal holy places, creating spaces, for internal combustion, to burn and turn the things that no longer serve.

With many heads and many legs, we walk together through fires of burning desires, for that which moves and transforms us. 
This space is for release, to make some peace
 with those who have become the dust. 
This is a temple to those who ignite us still.

Here: gaze transfixed
 into the beauty of your inner flame.
 Transcribe the internal diatribe. 
Write outside the confines of the lines,
 in words, together, alone. 
We are united in the final blaze, 
transformed with fresh flames
 in this magnificent 
inferno of life.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

die nuwe aanbiddingsplek

die nuwe aanbiddingsplek:
 die winkelsentrum
groot bymekaarkom-plek
parkering 'n probleem
word wyd adverteer
diens-tye wel bekend
donasies / kollekte word vrygewig gegee
meeste gee bo hul vermoeë.

en die geestelike doelwit:
diensbaarheid word aangemoedig...
 aan die self.

spilpunt van alles

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Ford Anglia

hello beautiful
you are vintage
you are a slow- meander
you rock in red
and you take me places...

Monday, May 7, 2012


The moon is curious again tonight
it is close
and snooping
around my study-floor
checking up
to see if
I'm studying

Sunday, May 6, 2012

person of the week: Berniece Hieckmann

Berniece Hieckmann

she is so smart it is scary
but she herself is not scary
she is warm ( without being patheticly- fuzzy )
and inviting and totally inspiring.

She is like the new invention: it blows you away
and makes your head spin with the profound and obvious wisdom
she has
and shares

she is generous... with her ideas... with her energy

she is just such a total blessing
you'll know... if you have been in her company
you feel "added to"

Berniece is brilliant.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Leandro Fernandes ( 5 May 1999 - 5 May 2006 )

did you sail away so suddenly
so unannounced
and so abruptly
or perhaps 
it was just us
thinking that the
program ends at 87
with grey hairs,
 and a couple of pennies
not in your Spiderman's suit
at 7

for Leandro Fernandes

(1999 - 2006 )

Friday, May 4, 2012

cupcakes & Cashmere .....

I've found so many lovely blogs...

the sometimes zoo is one of them
the Don Kenn gallery...

oh too little time 
and so much exploring to do...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

'n nat oggend-gebed

Goeie more Skepper.

Al die lof en die mooiste van alles
 aan U.
Dankie vir die voorsiening 
(dat U nou die tuin natmaak)
en vir die lekker koffie
en die broodjies.

Ek is jammer dat ek so lae prioriteit gee aan Bybel lees.
Ek is jammer dat ek nie moeite doen 
om die kulturele-konteks van die Ou Testament te verstaan nie.

Ek gee vandag vir U.
Dankie dat U moeite doen met ons 
en nie ongeduldig raak nie.
Wonderlike Pa.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Nig- Adri se ooievaarstee

 'n klein seuntjie is oppad.
Nadia het 'n pragtige ooievaarstee gereel 
vir my niggie Adri (Bruce) nou du Toit.

Hier is paar fotos van vanoggend se feestelikheid.

Daarna het my swart- ma- Grace vir ons kom kuier.
Syt haar kleinkind saamgebring.

so: 'n dag vol jeug en jubeling voorwaar!
