We spent the weekend in Ascona ( see previous post)
Thank you Julie for booking such lovely accommodation. Do you remember what a great sense of humor the manager/owner had? hotel-garni.
we'll be back.
2 meter from Lake Maggiore....
Monday was a bank-holiday and we strolled through/ around town before getting back into our vehicle and setting off over the St Bernardino Pass to Liechtenstein.
Now; The St Bernardino pass turned out to be an event / sight / memory on its own. Magnificent veiews, cute little restaurant right at the top of the mountain and plenty of intruiging little piles of rocks, like miniature altars of joy.
There is a photo of me putting another ( smaller ) pebble on an (existing) stack....

Happy Happy like children playing in the St Bernardino-pass "pause" facility

Liechtenstein was a fantastic little gem of a ... mmm........ country... ..? Principality ? yes
We spent some time in Vaduz and climbed a hill ( felt like a mountain ) to see the prince's castle. Striking & Special viewing point.
Then from Zurich (with my heart in pieces like a 16-year old who got dumped for the first time) we set off on the ICE- train to Frankfurt... and along the 4 hour- train trip I had a chance to "gather" myself and write in my journal (THAT is how smooth the train goes at 260 km per hour !) and by the time we pulled into Frankfurt, I was so excited to meet little Dylan (3.5 month old son of Gail and Karl Deicher)
The German- hospitality and consideration is something which shouldn't go unmentioned.
With baby on the hip: Gail was a fantastic hostess and we were spoilt (good food, good wine & good company!) Thanks Karl also for taking the days' leave and driving us to Wiesbaden.
What a lovely town! This was Gail and Karl's previous address.
The town is centered around "wellness" and natural hot springs and baths. Yes there is a nudist bath in the centre of Wiesbaden. No I did not go in.
Here are some pics ( not of the nude-folk) but of the vibrant Frankfurt.
Gail and I are doing the slow-motion Chariots of fire.... why again Gail?? !!
the charming Deicher- Family !
♥ ♥ ♥
at the zoo: we found the "bar" or "bear" ...
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