Hi There!
Typical Tuesday. . . rush -rush to get things done.
Love this blog.
Lana Lou Style Rocks!
Topical Tuesday: Tube-strike (potentially) averted in London. Wage- talks.
Farmer got burnt and can verbalize what hell feels like.... ouch. Totally Terrible
another suspect-character ( friend of Agliotti's)
Tragic (?) Chris Couremetis, in his 30s, was shot at the Cradle Restaurant in Muldersdrift, west of Johannesburg, on Sunday.
Times-gone-by- Tuesday:
I wish I rather lived in the days where news reached you by telegraph.
Totally random Tuesday-script from Tony Parsons:
“Wholeness is not interested in saving the Earth or becoming enlightened… Everything that happens is the expression of wholeness… Seeking and suffering is wholeness…” Tony Parsons
Suffering is a thought in mind; just as “joy” or “sadness”, “happiness” or “freedom”, “bondage” or “liberation”, “good” and “bad” are also just thoughts. Fundamentally there is no difference between a thought or a feeling, they are subjective and synonymous.
Suffering is a thought in mind; just as “joy” or “sadness”, “happiness” or “freedom”, “bondage” or “liberation”, “good” and “bad” are also just thoughts. Fundamentally there is no difference between a thought or a feeling, they are subjective and synonymous.
Prior to a thought or feeling, a thought and feeling is simply unlabeled [energy]; an impulse of life. Prior to the thought of bondage [you] are. Prior to the thought of freedom, [you] are.
After the thought of joy or sadness, [you] are.
The degree to which [you] suffer will be determined by the focus of [your] attention to the labels and judgments you have placed on [your] self and life. If the focus of [your] attention is on a thought, feeling or circumstance of bondage you will enmesh yourself in bondage. If [your] attention is fixated, obsessed or overwhelmed by thoughts, feelings, emotions, perceptions, associations or memories of the past, you will also be in the past.
The degree to which [you] suffer will be determined by the focus of [your] attention to the labels and judgments you have placed on [your] self and life. If the focus of [your] attention is on a thought, feeling or circumstance of bondage you will enmesh yourself in bondage. If [your] attention is fixated, obsessed or overwhelmed by thoughts, feelings, emotions, perceptions, associations or memories of the past, you will also be in the past.
The [you] that you imagine yourself to be will struggle as long is it is identified to the psycho/emotional identity you call the “me”; the [you] that you imagine yourself to be will suffer.
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The real [you] is already free. It waits patiently in the background of your awareness; it waits unconditionally. It is the background of all that was, is, and will be. The background is both the potential of the foreground and the foreground simultaneously.
We spend most of our life being present to a false self; the self that live that appears t live in the foreground, the self that we imagine ourselves to be with all its labels, with all its judgments, with all its distinctions. Whether it be a thought, feeling, emotion, perception, association or memory; when our attention is caught up in the details of the false self, we will experience a false reality.
We will never see reality as it is; we will only see the mirage of being an “I”.
As long as our attention is focused on the foreground of the mirage that is our imagined life, we will suffer.
As long as our attention is focused on the foreground of the mirage that is our imagined life, we will suffer.
As long as we ignore the background of Being we will feed our mind and we will swim in the distortion of its confusion; we will be distracted by the [ignorance] of that mirage and all the thoughts, feelings, emotions, perceptions, memories and associations that make up that mind. The mirage of our imagined self has become a mask that can only hide the truth of our true nature.
To place our attention on the background of Being from which everything arises, is to [create] the space in which [transformation] can occur. We become what we are. We become what we always were.
There is no evolution in consciousness; there is only a [shift] in attention from the foreground being to the background of Being. There can be no evolution in wholeness. The only perceived evolution is in ideas; ideas that come from the mind only.
Wholeness is.
Wholeness is, and [you] are.
[You] are wholeness.
Better said, [you] are a symptom of wholeness.
You are a symptom of consciousness. Consciousness does not need to evolve because consciousness already is. Wholeness is already.
[You] are already.
The only reason consciousness appears to be evolving is because the [you] that you imagine yourself to be, appears to be standing on the “outside” looking “in”. As soon as [you] realize where you are standing you can let go of your stance, and the illusion of a mirage collapses.
Can you be present with your wholeness?
Can [you] see and allow that wholeness to express itself as anger and confusion, fear or love, joy and sadness?
Can you see wholeness as the expression of “up” and “down”, “in” and “out”, “here” or “there”?
Can [you] allow [your] attention to settle into the background of Being where eternity has always resided; where there is only wholeness, where there is no coming or going, arising or subsiding, loss or gain?
Can [you] see that the seen and the unseen are One and the same?
Love, Maria
♪ ♪
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