Saturday, April 27, 2013


(beautiful word... )

and the more I look at it, the more I fall in love with it...

Read more of this talented lady's work by clicking here to go to her blog: Plumb the depths.

she writes: 
"The written word is a powerful one to start with ( when seeking personal insight)
When we’re thinking, 
thoughts move so rapidly that we can talk ourselves out of insights 
 before they have a chance to land. 
But when we write? 
When we write, 
the truth can spill out 
before we have the chance to stopper it up.
When diving for internal insights, 
one of the best tools you can have 
 is a good question. 
A good question 
will unleash the truths you hoped to,
 but never thought you would, find.
Below are 26 questions to ask yourself 
when you want a good, solid dose of pure insight.


  1. How do I feel, physically, when I think about this situation?
  2. What would {person you admire most} say to do here?
  3. If there’s a lesson I’m supposed to learn here, what is it? (Only ask this if it doesn’t make you want to throw up.)
  4. What lies am I telling myself about this?
  5. What don’t I want to see?
  6. What does this situation remind me of?
  7. What does my wisest self have to say on this subject?
  8. What needs to be said?
  9. What sucks about this? (Full permission to complain.)
  10. What advice would my five-year-old self give me right now?
  11. What advice would my ninety-year-old self give me right now?
  12. What beliefs am I letting go unquestioned?
  13. What am I bursting at the seams to say?
  14. What am I overlooking?
  15. If this issue was a physical object, what would it be? What would its texture be like? Its size? Its shape? Its energy?
  16. What’s the most outrageous way for this to unfold?
  17. If I were telling this situation back to myself as a story, how would that story go?
  18. If I decided to go off the beaten path here, what would that look like?
  19. Why?
  20. Why not?
  21. How could I break my internal rules right now?
  22. How could I break external rules right now?
  23. What am I yearning for?
  24. What object near me draws my attention? And what does it have to tell me about this issue?
  25. If I had a genie to grant me one wish, what would I wish for here?
  26. What am I thinking is wrong that’s actually totally right?

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