I sometimes feel as if I'm trying to figure-out life...
and perhaps it doesn't want me to (!)It's like I'm staring at the fridge of life... and there are words and letters, but they make little sense. . . like some random piece sounds sort of poetic, but others just so bizarre that I twist my head sideways to see if the phrase above/ below it has any semblance to the theme..... mm .. nope... or maybe I'm missing it?
as if some cosmic child came down for some nocturnal-night cap (milk?) and moved his little hand across the magnetic fridge-pieces and scattered the blocks all over the show... and now we can't find the meaning or theme or idea..
that is how I feel sometimes
Want the pain, want to feel
Want the 2 am – inspiration
Want the freshness of uncertainty and the chill of the daunting
Want the courting
Want the kiss
Don’t want to miss…
A thing.
Don’t want to smile
Don’t care how you are
Who are we fooling?
Nobody farts, no one is drooling…
Everybody wears levi’s
And goes to the gym in Nikes.
The new brand: heels, no spikes.
Sickening conformity.
Look at me.
I’m one of them: cry on que
No passion, no clue
Where did I go wrong… when did
I settle for too much ‘right’.
I drink my two litres a day
Pray and walk the right way
Now a turn in the road
Princess wants a toad
The prince is in the gym and in the
Boardroom… so much for
A loving groom.
Princess needs to feel desired
But the prince is tired
Everything is ritual, boring
Princess wants sex, the prince
Is snoring…
Got so much to give, to delve into
Why don’t I just give,
Why don’t I just do?
Silly social criteria setup
Conformity makes me fed-up
Got love to give and excitement
But I’m in life’s basement…
Feeling old and unneeded
Condensed with compromise
Sick of all the personality-lies
Just want to give, to share
Me, myself, naked, bare.
I want release
I want peace
I want to feel at home here
Want to ride this sphere
Don’t care about Ethiopian-hunger or old age
Want to indulge in now
Want to feel the wow
No big truths, no guru’s.
Just peace
A little release.
Maria Louw

from, Maria