coolest of cool - - - ♪ Goldf!sh - - - - ♪
There are few things more enjoyable than a sunny day in Cape Town with Goldfish and a funky crowd. Thanks Chris, Maggie, Blanche, Inge and Anke. you rock!!
And then (inevitably I guess) there are a few things which brings you right down to ground zero, back to... mm.. I'd hate to call it reality.
Lets call it that feeling of shock and horror: 10-ton-weight-dropping on your foot- feeling
like a beep on your mobile and
its some random cell phone advertisement and NOT the person you'd wished to hear from,
like a Monday-morning- at- work,
before the numbing-routine has kicked in and pulled you along,
at the point where you realise that you are doing some mindless repetition of a report for some senseless structure...
and you focus on reigning in all your power to not jump off a bridge.

and then there are a few healthy, non-alcoholic ways to stay sane.....
go park next to a dam ( in this case: Sonstraal Dam ) and page through a magazine,

or read a poem, or sms your grandmother and tell her you love her, or imagine your cute little dinky-flat in New York where you are wearing some Marion & Lindie dress and looking like the
bomb ( understated elegant of course) or going for a run with a good friend.

That should at least see you through to dinner-time and the universe rewards your efforts by bringing that 1 sms you've been waiting for. small portions of bliss.
after dinner: listen to the hauntingly sexy soundtrack of "Eat pray Love" and pretend your Julia Roberts.... yip why not pretend all the way, start with Pretty-Woman, work through Erin Brokovich and end with Liz Gilbert... Eat pray Love.
la allaa tralla laaaaa I am happy I will fake it until I make it
cheers, M
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