Monday went for a run, followed by Primi- dinner (the "aaawwh I can't believe you're going away for 6 weeks" - comfort eating commences)
I'm being wined & dined and the house is being fixed up, DIY every day... what is he planning...?
not coming back ?!
No, he says that he wants me to be happy and safe in the (neatened-up, fixed up) house while he is gone.
Tuesday: dinner again.. I can't even remember where..
Wednesday: braai at Adrian & Conny's place.... just imagine the view they must have from those bedroom-windows over Tygerberg Hill.

and the abuse of the German Weisse- beer started... and did not end until 23h.
look at this wheaty-beauty!
look at this wheaty-beauty!

it reminded me of the German beer garden outside Langen, Frankfurt, where I had a Weisse-beer for the 1st time... yum: tastes like cooldrink. Adrian & lady will be supporting the real Bavarian beer-fest in October this year !!

Thursday... went to the shops.
If the lady (who waters my plant at work) can get a small pack of boys underwear aged 3-4 ( her son went to visit the granny in Klawer and the evil taxi-men stole their luggage!)
I can get a little top... from Mr Price. geezz where can you get anything for R49.99 not that I harbour ambition of years-worth of service from the garment, but hey.
Look at the cute branding Jet did on their packaging...
love it !

and with my heart filled with summer-loving: enjoy the evening.
oh, ps talking about love...
Marcelle becomes Mrs Cajeux tomorrow.
Celebration is Saturday-evening. Can't wait !!
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