Sunday, January 2, 2011

Struisbaai new years celebration and such

Love ♥ Joy ♥ Ronel ♥ Bible reading ♥ sharing ♥ Konsertina treffers ♥ pictionary ♥ toets bord ♥ slap chips ♥ ice

flapjacks ♥ syrup ♥ bacon ♥ cheese ♥ sparkling wine ♥ strawberries ♥ scrabble ♥ Pearl Jam

♥ creativity ♥ inspiration ♥ Aghullas nature reserve ♥ fishermen ♥ smells
♥ bikini's ♥ sun factor 15 ♥ Civil Twilight ♪

♥ mist ♥ Toyota Hilux♥ Oom Fonnie on RSG ♥ gin & dry lemon ♥ new years ♥ fireworks ♥ Collective Soul ♪

♥ cellphones ♥ fun ♥ pictures ♥ gin & tonic ♥ facebook ♥ coldplay ♪

♥ Struisbaai ♥ sleeping ♥ laughter ♥ secrets ♥ gourmet burgers ♥ music ♥ beach pebbles ♥ Windhoek draught ♥ happy-feet soundtrack ♪

braai ♥ rain ♥ smoke ♥ pot ♥ (hiehie I shouldn't put these two together, it might be misleading) ♥ candles ♥ incense ♥ run

♥ Lanzerac wine ♥ longing ♥ stasoft-linen ♥ Lourensford wine ♥ phone call from London

Struis'boardwalk ♥ dancing ♥ waltzing ♥ (yes they are distinctly different) ♥ teasing ♥
being cursed with a vivid imagination

♥ life
♥ rumi
♥ mountain
♥ echo
♥ fireworks


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