Friday, September 30, 2011

to read

oooh I enjoyed reading this!
In over your head ( blog, which you can access here )

Julien Smith writes with wit, honesty and leaces you feeling like he was sitting chatting to you in the lounge (with a beer in his hand perhaps) nonchalant truthful raw.

i love it.

here is an excerpt:

The Joker is the personification of risk, something the average person finds thrilling. He does things that others would never dare to do, but everyone sees inside themselves. Why is that?

Modern society is stifling. The options for how to behave are limited and unfulfilling. Max Weber called it the Iron Cage because it eventually stifles and crushes anything polarizing. We have no choice but to submit in the majority of our lives.

What we start realizing if we spend enough time in cities is that this society breeds sheep. This isn’t even necessarily bad– it’s largely responsible for the stability of the age we live in. And these people can’t even be held responsible for it– the pressure of our society is so crushing that you have no choice but to submit, even at the cost of your long-term happiness.


how cool is Julien!
ciao ciao

Thursday, September 29, 2011


when was the last time you stood still and thought...
wow I'm not blind
wow I can feed myself and clothe myself

wow I have a job ( a place where I am able to make a meaningful contribution )

like really:
just stop (in the isle in the shop)
just stop (on the way back from a meeting)
just stop (your thoughts) as the petrol attendant fills up your car
just mentally stop for a second
and smile

much love, Maria

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Langebaan weekend


I love the West Coast... it is shy and refined when you look past the "boep & bier" manne...

Pictures of my aunt & uncle's beautiful new home.
Family Fun!!

Crown birthday of the youngest: turning 24 on the 24th of Sept... and husband's 33rd celebration.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

breathtaking poetry

The birds don't alter space.
They reveal it.
The sky never fills with any
leftover flying.
They leave
nothing to trace. It is our own
astonishment collects
in chill air. Be glad.
They equal their due
moment never begging,
and enter ours
without parting day.
See how three birds in a winter tree
make the tree barer.

Two fly away, and new rooms
open in December.
Give up what you guessed
about a whirring heart, the little
beaks and claws, their constant hunger.
We're the nervous ones.
If even one of our violent number
could be gentle
long enough that one of them
found it safe inside
our finally untroubled and untroubling gaze,
who wouldn't hear
what singing completes us?

Li-young Lee

look at love
look at love
how it tangles
with the one fallen in love

look at spirit
how it fuses with earth
giving it new life
why are you so busy
with this or that or good or bad
pay attention to how things blend

why talk about all
the known and the unknown
see how the unknown merges into the known

why think separately
of this life and the next
when one is born from the last

look at your heart and tongue
one feels but deaf and dumb
the other speaks in words and signs

look at water and fire
earth and wind
enemies and friends all at once

the wolf and the lamb
the lion and the deer
far away yet together

look at the unity of this
spring and winter
manifested in the equinox

you too must mingle my friends
since the earth and the sky
are mingled just for you and me

be like sugarcane
sweet yet silent
don't get mixed up with bitter words

my beloved grows right out of my own heart
how much more union can there be


Monday, September 19, 2011

beautiful words by "wise living"- Tara Mohr

This is your time.

Your time to say what you have kept silent.
Your time to ask your big questions without apology.
Your time to shine like a blazing comet,
whether they like it or not.

Your time to believe what your heart tells you:
that this world could be very different.
Your time to live by your rhythms,
and teach them to the world.

Your time nurture your village back to health.
Your time to show the world what it has been missing.
Your time to show the world the other side of itself.


read more about her here.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Dit is met diepe hartseer dat ons
afskeid neem van pa-Tonie
ons harte is oopmond-verslae
ons hande in die lug
en ons besef weer
dat ons lewenskruik
druppeltjie vir druppletjie
of ons dit nou wil weet of nie
daar is geen een wat die dood
se onwelkome roep
kan ontglip
so daar waar ons
druppels val
iets groei
iets moois
iets ewigs


Tuesday, September 6, 2011


jys nie meer
nie meer lag of vlees
nie meer honger of alleen
nie meer asem


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Person of the week: Chris Swanepoel ♥

person of the week:
Chris Swanepoel

Le me count the ways......  Mmm.....
encouragement (during and for my 2 interviews)
Gentle hug when I get frustrated and doubtful (refer above)
Consummate host to my friends,
while I am fluttering from table to table.
Sharing my goose-bump excitement-state about my birthday-dinner.
Naturally caring with the children ( Below is Marsan's youngest: Riaan )
wild at heart, but with safely keeping a soft landing for me.
Forever grateful,  M

Wild Happiness

Happiness is a warm hug & kiss on the cheek to a little person just starting out on this journey.
(picture taken on 1st of Sept: Anton's birthday) happy evening.

Marsan: you and Francois have 2 beautiful boys.

and then
happiness is:
having all the people you care about
in 1 room 
and hearing their voices twirl and dance 
Magic: Saturday 3rd Sept.
My 31st birthday celebration.

 Thank you all for coming!!

I was having too much fun: I did not get to capture all the guests on camera.

My life is magic thanks to all my friends & family


Friday, September 2, 2011

Change and Transformation.

Today I learnt something new.
Change may happen to you (in other words, it may come from external and impact you)
 The facilitator presented it graphically like this:
beginning --------- implementation ---------- end 
but Transformation occurs inside of you and it looks like this:
End of a chapter / closure --------Neutral state (assembling info) ----- new beginning

I find that I move too fast between cycles and then leave my heart panting and out of breath 20km behind me, feeling lost and disjointed.
I expect it to embrace new beginnings, but I have not even given it room to find closure of that which is no longer.

it is no wonder my heart is so angry.