Sunday, September 30, 2012

Person of the week: Janet Carré

Janet Carré
our new landlord ( landlady ) for October
she is fun, retired, full of beans,
 can't stand injustice,
loves her dog, Maggie,
emails every night from her laptop,
calls me "darling',
she insists on pensioner's discount,
missed her two grandsons
(1 lives in Germany and the other in England)
She is from Guernsey and never lost her accent.
she is a treasure.
she is just the best !

Saturday, September 29, 2012

29th Sept 2012

people who impressed me:
The 64 year old who was high jacked
and jumped out of the car to escape...
 she made it and today
I'm having tea with her ( she is now 74 )
and she has a great spirit... and she has a gentle smile.

granny- Olive is number

another person:
the canteen- employee (Fedics) Sanet.
she is a charm..
she gives me grief about not packing my own lunch
and eating at her counter too often....
she says I won't be beach-ready...
i love Sanet!

Friday, September 28, 2012

fatigue and fitness and fixtures

home is where you hang your hat...
or in my case:
where I keep my books.
and at present: they are all in boxes....

Thursday, September 27, 2012

home is in your arms....

A Lady Dressed By Youth
1623–1673 Margaret Cavendish
Her hair was curls of Pleasure and Delight,
Which on her brow did cast a glistening light.
As lace her bashful eyelids downward hung:
A modest countenance o'er her face was flung:
Blushes, as coral beads, she strung to wear
About her neck, and pendants for each ear:
Her gown was by Proportion cut and made,
With veins embroidered, with complexion laid,
Rich jewels of pure honor she did wear,
By noble actions brightened everywhere:
Thus dressed, to Fame's great court straightways she went,
To dance a brawl with Youth, Love, Mirth, Content.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

woorde Woesdag wonderlik

ekt vanoggend so mooi deel van Joyce Meyer geluister oppad werk toe.


(ek weet dit is hol rug gery - kennis: die waarde of wraak effek van woorde)

maar vandag wil ek dit weer beklemtoon...
hoe jy praat

met watter stemtoon jy praat
die woorde wat jy kies.
kies pêrels

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

as dinge te rof raak.... dagdroom...

so tussen bokse pak en  huis skoonmaak...
dagdroom ek lekker.
ek droom hoe ek by my sussie in Zanzibar gaan kuier....
en in my kop lyk dit so:


aaahhhh.. geen 'recons'; geen vergaderings;
 geen ducktape wat aan jou hande kleef;
geen wens na bietjie fiksie lees nie... 

Monday, September 24, 2012

studie bring onverwagste wysheid..

Ek is besig met nagradse studies en die betrokke vakgebied behandel:
finansiële konsolidasies
en die reels wat hierdie tipe aksies/ transaksies
 se verslagdoening reguleer.

die werklike relevante deel van hierdie denkpatroon:
 ( want dit is eintlik al wat hulle wil hê jy moet leer )
is om so eerlik en regverdig as moontlik te handel.
dis mooi.

Die lewe is ook soos 'n konsolidasie.
twee partye kyk na mekaar se "statement of financial position" ( die nuwe woord vir Balans staat )
dus evalueer ons op hirdie staidium: of elke party gebalanseerd is...... 
nie of jy geen laste het nie !
dan doen mens analise. 
(is jou verhoudings reg?) ratios.
die "ratio" van eie- ego tot Skepper
die "ratio" van laf na ernstig... 

dan vind samesmelting plaas.
daar is 'n spesifieke datum betrokke.
ek sal later meer vertel... moet nou eers swot. Alles trek my aandag af van studeer.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

person of the week: William Smith

Person of the week: William Smith

This young man is part of a set of twins.
Boy - William and girl - Marike. ( 26 yr-old )
William has a very talented mind: 
Management accountant, 
keen sense of justice and 
huge heart filled with compassion.
He volunteers every Monday at a safe house.
or a temporary place of safety for children, where he kicks the ball around 
with them, having a laugh and helps to feed them during dinner.
( Stefanie and Stiaan's wonderful home )

what I like and applaud about William 
is his sense of adventure and brave attitude:
donating blood for the 4th time
 ( when the Western cape squad rocked up at work on Friday )
and getting me to do it too !
in order to save lives.
His kindness during icy- camping trips.. 
Cederberg- winter camp: no problem;
helping a friend; no problem
buying a house on auction and renovating it into profit: no problem

he has a great attitude.
go Will!

Saturday, September 22, 2012


reading the newspaper as I wrap the porcelain; taking 3 times as long; writing "fragile" on every box

Strength ; Weakness ; Opportunity; Terror

Sustenance ; Wonderment ; Opportunity; Treasure

a clean kitchen; repacked closet (from lighter shades to dark); shoes rearranged.

terrifying; closing off; clearing the mind;  buying more duck tape

HUSBAND'S Birthday =
reminder of stuff we've worked through; cooking (eeks!) ; writing him a poem

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

woensdag 19 Sept 2012.


I, too, dislike it: there are things that are important beyond all
this fiddle.
Reading it, however, with a perfect contempt for it, one
discovers in
it after all, a place for the genuine.
Hands that can grasp, eyes
that can dilate, hair that can rise
if it must, these things are important not because a

high-sounding interpretation can be put upon them but because
they are
useful. When they become so derivative as to become
the same thing may be said for all of us, that we
do not admire what
we cannot understand: the bat
holding on upside down or in quest of something to

eat, elephants pushing, a wild horse taking a roll, a tireless wolf
a tree, the immovable critic twitching his skin like a horse that
feels a
flea, the base-
ball fan, the statistician--
nor is it valid
to discriminate against 'business documents and

school-books'; all these phenomena are important. One must
make a distinction
however: when dragged into prominence by half poets, the
result is not poetry,
nor till the poets among us can be
'literalists of
the imagination'--above
insolence and triviality and can present

for inspection, 'imaginary gardens with real toads in them', shall
we have
it. In the meantime, if you demand on the one hand,
the raw material of poetry in
all its rawness and
that which is on the other hand
genuine, you are interested in poetry.
Marianne Moore

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Pablo Neruda

The White Mans Burden


Lost in the forest, I broke off a dark twig
and lifted its whisper to my thirsty lips:
maybe it was the voice of the rain crying,
a cracked bell, or a torn heart.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Ruth Bebermeyer 1978

I never feel more given to
than when you take from me -
when you understand the joy I feel
giving to you
Ruth Bebermeyer song
"Given to"

when we give from the heart,
we do so out of the joy that springs forth
whenever we willingly
enrich another person's life.
but they have to let you

Sunday, September 16, 2012

person of the week: Rochelle Burger ( was Theart )

Rochelle gets the person of the week award:
for living attentively
searching for truth
for being a good sister to Leana
for being a great daughter to Mr and Mrs Theart.
for opening herself up to more
more life
more joy
more wisdom
for persuading me to attend a course with her.
for her logic, her reason, her determination.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

the amygdala alarm bell of the brain...

Do not travel to other dusty lands,
 forsaking your own sitting place; 
if you cannot find the truth where you are now,
 you will never find it.


Waar kom die stryd vandaan, waar kom die rusies onder julle vandaan?
Kom dit nie van julle selfsugtige begeertes  wat gedurig binne julle woed nie?
God weerstaan hoogmoediges, maar aan nederiges
 gee Hy genade.

 Jakobus 4

healing and such things.

band aid
an even skin... no scars
an even spirit... no scathe
no blister
but this is my body's roadmap...
this is my story.

(taken / inspired by the testimony I heard last night at Be In Health)

Be in Health is an international organization teaching principles that bring healing of relationships and health as well as disease prevention. Be in Health is dedicated to helping people by offering insights to why mankind has disease.
These insights are also available, acknowledged, and are being embraced by professionals in the spiritual, physiological and biological communities. Even so, many individuals around the world are finding solutions for their personal lives by applying the Christian principles of Be in Health.

Friday, September 14, 2012

closing the door

and it makes me
almost like grief
but sans theatrical element
less dramatic.
just like dust
your memory
in this house
this house
which I am

Thursday, September 13, 2012

living in a block of flats

something falls
and rolls
wooden floor
always shortly after 9

this living

so intimate


Wednesday, September 12, 2012


they always say "it washes over you"
like a wave

but I experience it differently.

its more like a clamp is undone from my heart.
like I was suffocated
but very subtly
almost unnoticably
slowly clinching the joy and the
inspiration from me
like shallow breathing
you don't realise
until you inhale
and exhale with all your might.
that is relief.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

en ons dink terug...

al die verhale van die oorledenes
al die verhale van die mense wat
 " net opgehou is deur iets sinneloos "
en toe nie betyds by die werk uitgekom het nie...
 en vandag nog leef...
so het ons vertellinge 'n impak.
hierdie nota is gevind...
 die laaste wat 'n pa geskryf het.
as jy iets kon skryf wat agterbly...
 wat sal dit wees?

kyk die fliek: "Remember me"

Monday, September 10, 2012

First things First

what is on your mind for this week?
swap the task list for potential touch-points
swap the confrontation for coffee
and swap the killer-heels for a kiss.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Person of the week: The Late - Antonie Christoffel Swanepoel

Person of the week:
gewese skoonpa.

Antonie ( Tonie ) Christoffel Swanepoel
 (bo: heel links)

vir jou lekker lag
jou ruim hart
en omgee.

ons mis jou vandag.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

now what to do...

what to do
with a cup that runneth over....
spilling everywhere
seeping through  the house.
I'm soaked...

Friday, September 7, 2012

i want to ...

i will follow you...
 into the quiet blue
   at a safe distance
     into the baby-yellow
 at a safe distance
      into the dark
   at a safe distance
        so that you don't worry about me
                and into the light
so I don't cast a shadow


Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thursday --- fantasy-----

What if my name was Robyn...
or Sylvia?
I'd have red hair and tons of pout...
and I'd read 'Crime & Punishment'
 and I'll wear Prada...
and I will have a secret fetish for origami.

what / who would you be?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

5 Sept 2012

Dankie vir 32 jaar van leer en liefwees
Dankie vir 32 jaar van leef en sweef
van groei en skaaf en observeer en luister
en nog groei en knip en skeur en plak en deurdruk en terugsit
en die hele ratkas van lewe bewonder

Paarl: Santé wellness in the Winelands

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

happiness sterrinappiness...

happy dance♥ Happy Dance
no pre-birthday angst
just flowers and smiles

wow: there is truth to
aging gracefully....
after all


Monday, September 3, 2012

Maandag mooi goed

ontstuimig wakker geword.. .
half pad deur die "regmaak- vir-die-dag" proses besef
dat die oorsprong van my dissonansie dievolgende is:
'n hewige en stormagtige nagmerrie waar ek teen 'n oud- 1998-matriekulant ( hemel weet waar DIT vandaan kom) uitgevaar het oor aantygings wat ek moet verdedig...


hoekom voel ek daar is aantygings?
hoekom moet ek myself verdedig?

ek gaan nie weer biltong eet voor ek gaan slaap nie...

te veel hormone

so ek fokus nou op mooi goed... kalm goed...

♥ ♥

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Person of the week: Sophia Louw

she is a mystery
Greek: Wisdom
Magically connected to people
drawn to souls...
especially the lost and marginalised.
She is fierce, loyal and warm
operates from a point of conviction 
that has, at times, labelled her:
so be it
she shrugs it off.
She laughs with her eyes
and her mouth
and her belly...
and the twinkle-sprinkle of it
makes the room bright
with promise....
Sophia is...
a seemingly contradictory mix
of passion and sensitivity.
she is a mom
a world-mom.
a true mom.


ek trade kinky vir koester
ek trade chandelier vir scented candle
go green go sustainable

Saturday, September 1, 2012

ek ruil in en om en oor ♥

ek ruil graag in:
raserige roes-moes van die winkels vir 
rose en meditasie

ek ruil graag om:
die goedkoop swakvakmanskap-fraaiing-20- jarige rompie
vir die 32- jarige Woolworths ene

ek ruil graag
springgety modes
vir volhoubare elegansie.


photo- credit: Shabby Apple Clothing