Wednesday, October 31, 2012

beter né?

gelukkig het ons nie 'n "Sandy" nie
ons het wel 'n "Marikana"
ongelukkig het ons skole met geen handboeke
maar gelukkig het ons kinders vars lug
en oopte
en tyd vir speel
gelukkig het ons 'n kamer.
ongelukkig het ons nie 'n huis nie
gelukkig het ons mooi kuns
ongelukkig het ons nie 'n muur om dit teen op te hang nie
maar ons vorder
dit raak beter

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

destructive.. all this waiting...

wow: how baneful my mind can be?! tick- tick.
clocks tick tick ....
reminding me that I must not wish away the days.

Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: injurious, devastating
Synonyms: annihilative, baleful, baneful, calamitous, cancerous, cataclysmic, catastrophic, consumptive, cutthroat, damaging, deadly, deleterious, detrimental, dire, disastrous, eradicative, evil, extirpative, fatal, fell, harmful, hurtful, internecine, lethal, lethiferous, mortal, noisome, noxious, pernicious, pestiferous, pestilential, ruinous, slaughterous, suicidal, toxic, venomous, wrackful, wreckful
Antonyms ( tomorrow ): aiding, assisting, building, creative, helpful, productive

you do NOT want a seat in the lounge of my brain today.
perhaps tomorrow.


Monday, October 29, 2012

rumi... who else?

“The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you,
not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.
They're in each other all along.”  

“In your light I learn how to love.
 In your beauty, how to make poems.
You dance inside my chest where no-one sees you,
but sometimes I do,
and that sight becomes this art.” 

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Person of the week: Richard Watson

Richard is author of "Whats next" company and "Top Trends"-blog, published on Forbes.
His forte is strategic vision

He writes on one of his posts: "a space oddity"

"In my book Future Minds I wrote about how physical spaces can impact our thinking.
I used examples ranging from ancient cathedrals to mountains,
but the one I like best is about the Earth as seen from the moon.
Here’s part of the passage from my book.

On Christmas eve 1968, the crew of Apollo8 saw the first 'earth rise'

A fragile blue planet rising optimistically above an inhospitable lunar landscape. 
Instinctively recognising that this was a significant event, William Anders grabbed a camera and took some photographs. These pictures effectively started the environmental movement back on Earth in the early 1970s and prove, to me at least, that external stimuli can influence our thinking and that attitudes and behaviours that we assume are fixed can be influenced by what is around us.


The term ‘cognitive bias’ partly describes this. Once we have formed a view about something, or have an idea in our head, our brains work subconsciously to find evidence to support this view or idea.

Richard challenges this cognitive bias. And it is no small challenge. Only few people have challenged me like this. I miss it terribly.
He gets person of the week for this campaign and the good work he is doing with IBM

Saturday, October 27, 2012

words are sometimes unnecessary



Stay, I said
to the cut flowers.
They bowed
their heads lower.
Stay, I said to the spider,
who fled.
Stay, leaf.
It reddened,
embarrassed for me and itself.
Stay, I said to my body.
It sat as a dog does,
obedient for a moment,
soon starting to tremble.
Stay, to the earth
of riverine valley meadows,
of fossiled escarpments,
of limestone and sandstone.
It looked back
with a changing expression, in silence.
Stay, I said to my loves.
Each answered,

jane hirshfield

Friday, October 26, 2012

beautiful Jane

by Jane Hirshfield


The task

It is a simple garment, this slipped-on world.
We wake into it daily -- open eyes, braid hair --
a robe unfurled
in rose-silk flowering, then laid bare.

And yes, it is a simple enough task
we've taken on,
though also vast:
                       from dusk to dawn,

from dawn to dusk, to praise, and not
be blinded by the praising.
To lie like a cat in hot
sun, fur fully blazing,

and dream the mouse;
and to keep too the mouse's patient, waking watch
within the deep rooms of the house,
where the leaf-flocked

sunlight never reaches, but the earth still blooms.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

i believe

i believe in ice cream
and Chanel
and crafts
and joy
and reconnecting

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


vandag se woorde:


vandag se fliek-keuse:

Monday, October 22, 2012

vandag is die dag

kan jy glo 'n mens is so opgewonde om skuld aan te gaan... ?
vreemd né.
maar hierdie skuld (dankie Nedbank)
 beteken dat ek binnekort weer iets teen mure kan hang
weer uit my borde kan eet
en weer my pragtige messegoed kan gebruik
en na my muurhorlosie kan kyk en
die illusie- van- besit - het ingetree:
dis ons s'n.

(wel... en grootliks Nedbank s'n )
dis ons huis
dis ons beskutting
dis ons habitat
dis ons linne
dis ons meubels
dis ons muur-krake
dis ons geiser
dis ons inrit

you get the picture.....

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Person of the week: Amelia van Zyl

 for the eyes....

Person of the week; Founder of Kamersvol Geskenke
Amelia van Zyl.

* for believing in her dream
* for understanding true collaboration
* for nurturing creativity
* for celebrating 10 year- old- creative business: Kamersvol Geskenke

Saturday, October 20, 2012

rooi en wit

rooi naels
wit vel
groen appel
bitter- soet

Friday, October 19, 2012

sug van verligting

my dierbaarheid
is in Kimberley
in koue hof gange
in 'n steriel saal
waar mense met kettings
om hul enkels stap
begelei deur ander mense met wapens
en alles echo
die kil harte
en die smeersel-snork-glimlagte
hy stap uit
vry man
maar ongeskend?
eks net bly hy is klaar
boek toegemaak

Thursday, October 18, 2012


my hart is 'n dollos
die see spoel koud daaroor
seerower spuug in die lug

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


blonde-angel's birthday coming up :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

i miss you

i miss you like a child misses summer
after along winter
your words:
"Its been a long year"

Monday, October 15, 2012

resensies is vir my so mooi...

I'm reading about writers :)

This is an extract of the appraisal of Kay Ryan ( born 1945)
About her work, J. D. McClatchy has said:
"Her poems are compact, exhilarating, strange affairs, like Erik Satie miniatures or Joseph Cornell boxes. She is an anomaly in today's literary culture: as intense and elliptical as Dickinson, as buoyant and rueful as Frost."


Nothing Ventured

Nothing exists as a block
and cannot be parceled up.
So if nothing's ventured
it's not just talk;
it's the big wager.
Don't you wonder
how people think
the banks of space
and time don't matter?
How they'll drain
the big tanks down to
slime and salamanders
and want thanks?
Kay Ryan

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Person of the week: Elandi Jordaan

Person of the week:
Elandi Jordaan.
behalwe dat sy dierbaar is
en mooi
en gebalanseerd:
is dit haar sprankel-sang
van 'n laggie in die kantoor
wat die meeste impak maak
op die 12 - 14 siele rondom haar.

Friday, October 12, 2012

die Wonderwerker

ek het hierdie treffende resensie gelees
oor die fliek wat ek gisteraand gesien het:
Die Wonderwerker
" brilliantly explores the darkness that lurks in the beauty of words, nature and humanity.
 It also explores the potent passion of love; contrasting the raw nature of first love, the endearing excitement of true love, and the tragedy of scorned love....."
read full script on Business Day Live
dit was regtig mooi.

♥                                             ♥                                                                                    ♥

Thursday, October 11, 2012

best before-date

you know its getting exciting
 if your "best before" date on your milk bottle
transfer date of your home.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Woensdag weiveld

wanneer laas het jy gaan uit eet by 'n plek wat jy nog nooit oorweeg het nie?
soos in:
daai snaakse plek met die vreemde dekor en die wenkbrou-lig-restaurant-gaste...
die eetplek langs die besige straat ( Voortrekker straat )
met die taxi- samedromming...
die eetplek met die "specials" so buite teen die muur op
jip, daai een.
gaan bietjie soontoe
klim uit gemaksone-straat
na die raas & roes van die vreemde.
dit is 'n Woensdag weiveld van wondere vir my.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Dinsdag ek doop jou
  • knersend
  • struwel - broeiend
  • ongesinchroniseerd
  • hakkelrig ....
mag daar nie nog van jou wees nie.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Maandag mooi

my nuwe gunsteling woorde:

Sunday, October 7, 2012

person of the week: Avi Levi

A beautiful, gentle Israeli tour guide.. Avi.
He has over 10 years experience and is sharp witted, sensitive and at ease..
at ease with any tour group:
be it a Germiston-father who blames our country's service delivery crisis simplistically on a handful of souls...
or the divorcee who thinks that the tomb of Jesus is her saving grace and having a photo in the rocky doorway is her passport to eternity...

 Avi just smiles
and handles it.
His heart encompasses all.

He gets person of the week: for being a lovely inspiration to my mother & father...
for breaking Israel open to them...
for showing her beauty to the Wolseley-folk.

Avi has dreams, a daughter and a Bible
and he is dedicated to all 3.

He is quiet like the ruins
pained like the stones
his soul tells the story...
and you are mesmerized.

Friday, October 5, 2012


na iets wat .. mmm..

eers verlep het
toe dood is
en toe weer uitloop....
soos 'n kwesbare klein steggie...
te mooi

amper te fyn vir blote oog

te mooi

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

what is home... to you.

what is home...
is it your favourite blend of coffee...
is it your mug?
is it your favourite line of your favourite poem?
is it your lemon tree?
your lavender?
your man's embrace?
your favourite pair of heels?
your sister's laughter?
the smell of jasmine?
your postal code?
the intro to your favourite anthem?

Tuesday, October 2, 2012



people sharing themselves unreservedly

people laughing from the belly with you - bonding -

getting a chocolate

getting a book

getting a movie-ticket

being given an insight