Friday, September 2, 2011

Change and Transformation.

Today I learnt something new.
Change may happen to you (in other words, it may come from external and impact you)
 The facilitator presented it graphically like this:
beginning --------- implementation ---------- end 
but Transformation occurs inside of you and it looks like this:
End of a chapter / closure --------Neutral state (assembling info) ----- new beginning

I find that I move too fast between cycles and then leave my heart panting and out of breath 20km behind me, feeling lost and disjointed.
I expect it to embrace new beginnings, but I have not even given it room to find closure of that which is no longer.

it is no wonder my heart is so angry.

1 comment:

  1. hello Maria, thank u for the comment on my blog a little while ago- its lovely to meet you! hope its been a good weekend
