Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday's Terrific Tragedy

Tragedy... losing a dream

losing a promotion

losing a loved one

losing your favourite pen

I guess it is a function of how sensitive/ fragile / dramatic (?) you are...

What makes us define something as a tragedy.. .. and is the rest not just admin?

that is on my mind.

here is a poem I wrote to a dear friend.


Ontdekking van ‘n oggend

Klein hoep-hoepie tinkel rond in die paadjie… loer hier
Loer daar
Wip stertjie wip

Sy staan stil— voel die briesie
Voel die dankbaarheid
Die klein borsie drink die oggend lug in en kyk rond of sy die koffie-kat sien

Nope- die wêreld is vir eers ‘n veilige plek.


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