Tuesday, January 24, 2012

early bird....

It is 5am and I am up and excited (ok, its a tired, red-eyed type of excitement) to go to my first TGIF ( Thank God Its Friday) morning-testimony session at my church.

The men's morning is actually on a Friday and us ladies just borrowed the name to refer rather to the type of event, than the weekday.

It is always so rewarding and special.
There is something so powerful about a hall full of women.
Career-ladies, homemakers, schoolgirls, students, the unemployed (that's me) and the wanderers.

I celebrated my 7 years at Metropolitan on Friday 20th Jan and was given such a special farewell party. All the lovely souls.... who left such beautiful patterns & paper-bruises on my script.
I felt truly blessed.

So now I'm unemployed
until the 1st of Feb when I start with the Foschini-group. (more on that later)

Just a question for you on this cool Tuesday morning:
what would you get up for at 5am?
love, m

1 comment:

  1. gym deesdae...
    Maar ek hou van vroegoggende!
